Psychology -Themes and Variations (2) Flashcards
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576578206 | The Scientific Approach | events are governed by laws | |
576578210 | Operational Definition | Describes the action or operation used to measure or control a variable | |
576578214 | Participants/Subjects | Persons or Animals whose behavior is observed in a study | |
576578218 | Data Collection Techniques | Procedures for Making Empirical Observation and Measurements (ie. Direct Observation, Questionnaire, Interview, Psychological Test, Physiological Recording, or Examination of Archival Records) | |
576578223 | Journal | Periodical that publishes scholarly material, in a narrow field | |
576578228 | Experiment | Research Method where a variable is manipulated and changes to the second variable is observed | |
576578234 | Independent Variable | Variable that is controlled by the Experimenter to see its impact on the other Variable | |
576578237 | Dependent Variable | Variable that is affected by the Independent (Controlled) Variable | |
576578241 | Experimental Group | Subjects who receive special treatment in regard to the Independent Variable | |
576578243 | Control Group | Similar Subjects who do not receive special treatment given to experimental group | |
576578246 | Extraneous Variables | Any variables other than the Independent variable that seems likely to influence the Dependent variable in a study | |
576578248 | Confounding of Variables | i. When two Variables are linked together in a way that makes it harder to sort their specific effects ii. Causes great harm to Experiments | |
576578251 | Random Assignment | Occurs when all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any group in the study | |
576578253 | Interaction | Effect of one variable depends on the Effect of another | |
576578256 | Descriptive/Correlational Research | i. Used when Psychologists cannot control the variables they want to study ii. only describes patterns of behavior and discovers links or associations | |
576578259 | Naturalistic Observation | A researcher engages in careful Observation of behavior without directly intervening with the subjects | |
576578263 | Case Study | In-Depth investigation of an individual Subject | |
576578265 | Survey | Researchers use Questionnaires or Interviews to gather information about specific aspects of participant's background and behavior | |
576578268 | Statistics | Use of Math to interpret, organizes, and summarizes numerical data | |
576578270 | Descriptive Statistics | Used to Organize and Summarize Data | |
576578273 | Standard Deviation | index of amount of Variability in a set of data | |
576578277 | Correlation | i. between -1.00 and 1.00, closer to either end equals stronger correlation ii. positive means they co-vary in the same direction, negative means they co-vary in opposite directions iii. correlation is NOT causation | |
576578280 | Inferential Statistics | i. Makes Conclusions ii. Statistical Significance exists when the probability that the observed findings are due to chance is very low (Less than 5%) | |
576578282 | Sample | Collection of subjects selected for observation | |
576578285 | Population | Much larger collection of Animals or People from where Sample is drawn | |
576578287 | Sampling Bias | a sample is not representative of the population from which it was drawn | |
576578289 | Placebo Effect | When participant's expectations lead them to experience some changes even though they receive not actual treatment | |
576578291 | Social Desirability Bias | The tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself | |
576578293 | Response Set | Tendency to respond to questions in a particular way that is unrelated to the content of the questions | |
576578295 | Experimenter Bias | When a Researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained | |
576578297 | Double-Blind Procedure | i. Research strategy in which neither subjects nor experimenters know which subjects are in the experimental or control group ii. combats Experimenter Bias |