chapt 8
CHAPTER 8: AMERICA SECEDES FROM THE EMPIRE: 1775?1783 Congress Drafts George Washington Know: Second Continental Congress, George Washington 41. Why was George Washington chosen as general of the American army? Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings Know: Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, Fort Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Redcoats, Olive Branch Petition, Hessians 42. George III "slammed the door on all hope of reconciliation." How and why? The Abortive Conquest of Canada Know: Richard Montgomery 43. Did the fighting go well for Americans before July of 1776? Explain. Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense 44. Why was Common Sense important? Paine and the Idea of "Republicanism" Know: Republic, Natural Aristocracy 45. Why did Paine want a democratic republic?