MEMORY Flashcards
ap psych -- memory chapter.
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42244828 | memory | the persistence of learning over tie through the storage and retrieval of information. | |
42244829 | flashbulb memory | a clear memory of an emotionally significan moment or event | |
42244830 | encoding | the processing of informatin into the memory system - for example, by extracting meaning. | |
42244831 | storage | the retention of encoded information over. | |
42244832 | retrieval | the process of getting information out of memory storage | |
42244833 | sensory memory | the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system. | |
42244834 | short-term memory | activated memory that holds a few items briefly, such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing, before the information is stored or forgotten. | |
42244835 | long-term memory | the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. | |
42244836 | working memory | a similar concept that focuses more on the processing of briefly stored information. | |
42244837 | automatic processing | unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information, such as word meanings. | |
42244838 | effortful processing | encoding that requires attention and conscious effort. | |
42244839 | rehearsal | the conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage. | |
42244840 | spacing effect | the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study. | |
42244841 | serial position effect | our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list | |
42244842 | semantic encoding | the encoding of meaning, including the meaning of words. | |
42244843 | acoustic encoding | the encoding of sound, especially the sound of words. | |
42244844 | visual encoding | the encoding of picture images. | |
42244845 | imagery | mental pictures; a powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with semantic encoding | |
42244846 | mnemonics | memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices | |
42244847 | chunking | organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically. | |
42247503 | episodic memory | memories of specific events, stored in sequential series of events | |
42247504 | procedural memory | memories of skills and how to perform them. These memories are sequential but might be very complicated to describe in words. | |
42918431 | iconic memory | a slip-second perfect photograph of a scene | |
42918432 | echoic memory | a perfect brief (3-4 seconds) memory for sounds. | |
42918433 | selective attention | encoding what is important to us, sometimes not controlled | |
42918434 | cocktail party effect | ability to attend to only one voice among many | |
42918435 | explicit memories | what we usually think of first, conscious memories of fancts or events we actively tried to remember | |
42918436 | implicit memories | unintentional memories that we might not even realize we have | |
42918437 | eidetic memory | the ability to remember with great accuracy visual information on the basis of short-term exposure | |
42918438 | recognition | matching a current event or fact with one already in your memory. | |
42918439 | primacy effect | recall items presented at the beginning of a list | |
42918440 | recency effect | recall items at the end of a list | |
42918441 | tip of the tongue phenomenon | temporary inability to remember information | |
42918442 | semantic network theory | connecting their meaning and contest with meanings already in memory. Thus our brains create a web of connected memories. | |
42918443 | mood congruent memory | greather likeliehood of recalling an item when our mood matched the mood we were in when the event happend. | |
42918444 | state dependent memory | recalling events encoded while in particular states of consciousness. | |
42918445 | recovered memory | suddenly remember events they have "repressed" for years. | |
42918446 | constructed memory | report false details of a real event or might even be a recollection of an event that never occurred. | |
42918447 | relearning effect | it takes you less time than it did the first tiime you studied them | |
42918448 | interference | other memories competes with what you are trying to recall. | |
42918449 | retroactive interference | learning new information interferes with the recall of older information | |
42918450 | proactive interference | older information learned previously interferes with the recall of information learned more recently. | |
42918451 | hippocampus | important in encoding new memories | |
42918452 | anterograde amnesia | cannont encode new memories but they can learn new skills, but they wont remember learning them. | |
42918453 | long-term potentiation | shows that neurons can strenthen connections between eachother | |
42918454 | phonemes | the smallest units of sound used in a language. English speakers use about 44 phonemes | |
42918455 | morphemes | smallest unit of a meaningful sound. | |
42918456 | language acquisition | babbling stage which is innate at 6 months of age. | |
42918457 | holophrastic stage | time during which babies speak in single words | |
42918458 | overgeneralization/overregularizzation | misapplication of grammer rules | |
42918459 | language acquistion device | ability to learn a language rapidly as children | |
42918460 | critical period | a window of opportunity during which we must learn a skill or our develpment will permanently suffer | |
42918461 | linguistic relativity hypothesis | language we use might control and sometimes limit our thinking. |