AP Govt Unit 3 Note Cards Flashcards
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786212069 | Anti-federalists | people who opposed the Constitution | |
786212070 | Dealignment | When a significant number of voters choose to no longer support a particular political party. | |
786212071 | Democratic Republican Party | One of the first two political parties in the United States, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; opposed the Federalist party and was strongly in favor of individual rights | |
786212072 | Era of good feeling | An political era when the Federalist party faded away and there were almost no divisions; James Monroe was President | |
786212073 | federalist party | a major political party in the United States in the early 19th century | |
786212074 | Grass-Roots organizations | local people who work for the party | |
786212075 | Gridlock | the inability of the government to act because rival parties control different parts of the government | |
786212076 | Linkage institutions | The means by which individuals can express preferences regarding the development of public policy. | |
786212077 | Mcgovern- Fraser Commision | Commision that set guidelines for political elections | |
786212078 | Political Efficacy | The belief that one's political participation really matters - that one's vote can actually make a difference | |
786212079 | populist party | a former political party in the United States | |
786212080 | Proportional representation | representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote | |
786212081 | roosevelt Coalition | Also known as the New Deal. Established by Roosevelt during the Great Depression, it helped the unemployed and the lost wages due to the panic on wall street | |
786212082 | Straight ticket | Voting for candidates who are all of the same party | |
786212083 | Ticket splitting | voting with one party for one office and with another party for other offices | |
786212084 | Universal manhood suffrage | giving all adult men the right to vote | |
786212085 | Whig party | Political party formed in 1834 to oppose policies of Andrew Jackson | |
786212086 | Winner-take-all electoral system | an electoral system in which the party that receives at least one more vote than any other party wins the election | |
786212087 | 527s | political organizations formed primarily to influence elections and therefore exempt from most federal taxes | |
786212088 | Bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 | banned soft money donations to national parties | |
786212089 | blanket primaries | elections to select party nominees in which voters are presented with a list of candidates from all the parties. | |
786212090 | Buckley vs Valeo | Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for Congress to limit the amount of money an individual may spend supporting a candidate if the expenditures are made independent of the campaign. | |
786212091 | Campaign reform act of 1974 | Response to Watergate scandal, said that donations over $100 had to be accounted for | |
786212092 | Caucuses | meetings where political parties chose their candidates | |
786212093 | closed primaries | primary elections in which only registered party members may vote | |
786212094 | Coat tail effect | when popular candidate running for a high-profile office pulls other candidates of party into office | |
786212095 | critical realigning election | an election that produces a sharp change in the existing pattern of party loyalties among groups of voters | |
786212096 | frontloading | the recent tendency of states to hold primaries early in the calendar in order to capitalize on media attention | |
786212097 | general election | An election held to choose which candidate will hold office | |
786212098 | open primaries | primary elections in which eligible voters do not need to be registered party members | |
786212099 | PACs | Political Action Committees, raise money for candidates/parties | |
786212100 | Plurality | Candidate or party with the most votes cast in an election, not necessarily more than half. | |
786212101 | Presidential debates | Official televised debates between presidential nominees that are highly important to the campaign. | |
786212102 | Single-member districts | Only one representative is chosen from each district | |
786212103 | Soft money | funds obtained by political parties that are spent on party activities, such as get-out-the-vote drives, but not on behalf of a specific candidate | |
786212104 | electioneering | persuasion of voters in a political campaign | |
786212105 | foundation grants | grants given to interest groups by foundations/non-profit organizations | |
786212106 | free rider problem | the difficulty interest groups face in recruiting members when the benefits they achieve can be gained without joining the group | |
786212107 | individual interests | Beliefs, values, attitudes, and social issues (Group interest voters/ideology) | |
786212108 | institutional interests | Individuals or organizations representing other organizations | |
786212109 | interest groups | groups of people who work together for similar interests or goals | |
786212110 | lobbying | attempting to influence policy makers | |
786212111 | elite theory | theory that upper class elites exercise great influence over public policy | |
786212112 | Hyperpluralist theory | A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. | |
786212113 | Pluralist theory | the theory that political power is distributed among a wide array of diverse and competing interest groups | |
786212114 | Public interest groups | groups that organize to influence government to produce collective goods or services that benefit the general public | |
786212115 | Revolving door | an organization or institution with a high rate of turnover of personnel or membership | |
786212116 | Union shop | a company allowed to hire nonunion workers on the condition that they will join the union within a specified time |