SAT vocab 1-100 Flashcards
SAT vocabulary
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813798394 | resilient | the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from a setback or loss | |
813798395 | cerebral | intellectual rather than emotional, brainy, intellectually refined | |
813798396 | assiduous | hardworking, industrious, done with persistent, careful, and untiring attention | |
813798397 | fortuitous | accidental, happening by chance, with a positive outcome | |
813798398 | consensus | a general agreement | |
813798399 | perfunctory | something done in an unenthusiastic, careless manner | |
813798400 | fecund | fertile, fruitful, productive | |
813798401 | cupidity | excessive greed, especially for wealth | |
813798402 | garrulous | talkative in a rambling, annoying or pointless way | |
813798403 | protean | readily taking on varied forms and meanings OR displaying great variety | |
813798404 | contentious | argumentative, quarrelsome, belligerent | |
813798405 | tedious | filled with boredom, dull, tiresome | |
813798406 | duplicitous | deceit, cunning, deliberately deceptive | |
813798407 | vituperate | to use harsh or abusive language | |
813798408 | conundrum | a puzzling question, a difficult problem | |
813798409 | taciturn | silent, not talkative, habitually quiet | |
813798410 | discerning | to perceive or recognize as distinct or different | |
813798411 | pugnacious | quarrelsome, eager and ready to fight | |
813798412 | execrable | repulsive, extremely bad, of poorest quality | |
813798413 | myriad | countless, innumerable, infinite | |
813798414 | provocative | provoking discussion and stimulating controversy | |
813798415 | contrition | admission of guilt, feelings of sincere and deep regret | |
813798416 | obfuscate | to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy OR to make obscure or unclear | |
813798417 | dilatory | habitually late, causing or intended to cause delay | |
813798418 | ignominious | deserving or bringing disgrace or shame | |
813798419 | discordant | disagreement, conflict, quarreling | |
813798420 | resolute | firmly resolved or determined, showing a fixed, firm purpose | |
813798421 | eschew | to avoid, shun, abstain from | |
813798422 | cursory | done rapidly with little attention to detail | |
813798423 | idiosyncrasy | a peculiarity, habit, or mannerism of an individual | |
813798424 | venerate | verb to regard with respect to view as holy as sacred | |
813798425 | Hackneyed | adj made unoriginal or commonplace by overuse | |
813798426 | rancor | noun bitter hatred, ill will or resentment, malice | |
813798427 | florid | adj excessively showy flushed | |
813798428 | ephemeral | adj lasting a very short time passing fleeting | |
813798429 | surreptitious | adj done in a sneaky or sly way to avoid detection | |
813798430 | deleterious | adj harmful to health destructive injurious detrimental | |
813798431 | aesthetic | adj pertaining to beauty or art related to the appreciation of beauty | |
813798432 | sanguine | adj cheerfully optimistic confident | |
813798433 | solicitous | adj showing care and attention in an anxious or worried way | |
813798434 | vapid | adj lifeless, dull, boring, flat, empty lacking spirit, interest, or flavor | |
813798435 | brusque | adj rough abrupt in manner or speech | |
813798436 | capricious | adj unpredictable tending to change abruptly for no apparent reason | |
813798437 | credulous | adj gullible unaffected simplicity unsophisticated | |
813798438 | diffident | adj shy and timid due to lack of confidence hesitant to speak or act | |
813798439 | obdurate | adj stubbornly resistant, unyielding to authority | |
813798440 | perfidious | adj treacherous traitorous deceitful | |
813798441 | repudiate | verb to reject, disown have nothing to do with | |
813798442 | anachronism | noun something out of place in time or history | |
813798443 | prudent | adj showing good judgement wise, cautious, careful | |
813798444 | digress | verb stray from the point go off in another direction get sidetracked | |
813798445 | intrepid | adj courageous, brave in face of danger | |
813798446 | pragmatic | adj practical concerned with actual practice and everyday affairs | |
813798447 | archaic | adj extremely old outdated | |
813798448 | subtle | adj a gradual change not obvious | |
813798449 | tenacious | adj persistent determined not to give up | |
813798450 | exemplary | adj worth of imitation standing out from the norm | |
813798451 | anecdote | noun a short, entertaining account of an incident that is usually personal | |
813798452 | compromise | noun to weaken of place at risk a settlement of differences by a mutual agreement | |
813798453 | opulent | adj exhibiting wealth verging on ostentatious | |
813798454 | paucity | noun small in quantity, insufficiency of number | |
813798455 | didactic | adj instructive designed or intended to teach | |
813798456 | extol | verb to praise highly applaud | |
813798457 | gregarious | adj outgoing fond of the company of others sociable | |
813798458 | impetuous | adj rash quick to act without thinking extremely impatient | |
813798459 | ineffable | adj inexpressible a feeling that cannot be put into words | |
813798460 | licentious | adj lacking moral restraint especially in sexual conduct | |
813798461 | nonchalant | adj cooly unconcerned casually indifferent | |
813798462 | obstreperous | adj resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner | |
813798463 | petulant | adj impatient or irritable over petty things ill tempered | |
813798464 | verbose | adj using to many words wordy | |
813798465 | spurious | adj false fake lacking authority | |
813798466 | preclude | verb to prevent something from happening to make impossible | |
813798467 | vacuous | adj lack of content or ideas empty, vacant stupid | |
813798468 | transient | adj temporary lasting only a short time momentary | |
813798469 | prosaic | adj dull ordinary, uninteresting unimaginative | |
813798470 | provincial | adj limited in perspective narrow unsophisticated | |
813798471 | deride | verb to ridicule put down; make fun of | |
813798472 | laconic | adj very brief using few words to the point of seeming rude | |
813798473 | recluse | noun a person who leads a secluded or solitary life | |
813798474 | censorious | adj highly critical fault finding tending to blame | |
813798475 | alleviate | verb to relieve reduce of decrease usually temporarily or incompletely | |
813798476 | equanimity | noun composure; calmness evenness of mind and temper poise | |
813798477 | diligent | adj showing care in doing one's work attentive and persistent | |
813798478 | belie | verb to give a false impression to misrepresent to show to be false | |
813798479 | benevolent | adj generous; kind marked by goodness or doing good | |
813798480 | zenith | noun highest point the peak | |
813798481 | futile | adj completely useless hopeless | |
813798482 | amiable | adj warm friendly agreeable marked by a pleasing personality | |
813798483 | superfluous | adj extra unnecessary | |
813798484 | innocuous | adj harmless inoffensive dull and uninspiring | |
813798485 | ostentatious | adj showy intended to attract notice excessive | |
813798486 | mundane | adj ordinary commonplace earthly | |
813798487 | quixotic | adj overly idealistic foolishly impractical | |
813798488 | substatiate | verb to establish by proof to verify; confirm | |
813798489 | vindicate | verb to clear from blame | |
813798490 | temperate | adj moderate; mild restrained | |
813798491 | erroneous | adj filled with errors wrong | |
813798492 | obsequious | adj excessively compliant or submissive servile | |
813798493 | thwart | verb to stop or prevent from accomplishing a purpose frustrate |