Canterbury Tales Prologue Character Sheet
English [1]
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Characters Sheet Character Occupation & Social Status Appearance & Dress Abilities & Habits Personality & Beliefs Evidence of Satirical Attack Knight Land-owner, nobility, fighter Not ?gaily? dressed Chivalrous, upholds truth, honor, generosity, and courtesy Religious, wise, modest None Squire Knight?s son Short gown with wide and long sleeves Talented, can sing and dance, agile, strong Lover, brave, fought in cavalry None Yeoman Servant, Forester Green hooded coat, has bow, arrow, sword, dagger, shield Hunts (weapons) Hunter None Nun (Madam Eglantyne) Prioress (nun below abbess) Wore various jewelries, large forehead, small mouth Spoke French, prayed everyday, is meticulous when eating