Psych Flashcards
psych gre
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941251605 | Norman Triplett | Obs ppl perform better w/ others around than alone | |
941251606 | McDougall and Ross | Wrote first Social Psych textbook | |
941251607 | Verplank | Convo change depending on approval | |
941251608 | Reinforcement Theory | Pavlov/Skinner/Thorndike | |
941251609 | Albert Bandura | Social Learning Theory (behavior is learned through imitation. Bobo doll | |
941251610 | Fitz Heider's Balance Theory | ppl like to like something that someone they like likes as well (balanced +/-) | |
941251611 | Leon Festinger' Cognitive Dissonance Theory | Conflict when attitudes do not match behavior. We will add consonant or remove dissonant elements | |
941251612 | Free choice dissonance | Cong Diss Theory: deciding between 2 equally good things cause you to accentuate good qualities in one and bad in the other. | |
941251613 | Forced compliance dissonance | When forced to behave in a way that is inconsistent with attitudes. | |
941251614 | Daryl Bem's Self Perception Theory | Ppl infer own attitudes based on obs of their own beh. | |
941251615 | Over-justification Effect | Rewarding ppl for something they like doing will make them like it less. | |
941251616 | Hovland & Weiss, 1952 | Communication by perceived to be credible source were more effective in changing attitudes than low cred. | |
941251617 | Two-sided messages | Very effective in attitude change. Argument pro and against. | |
941251618 | Petty and Caccioppo's Elaboration of Likelihood Model | If we care about the topic, we will focus on strength of an argument, when we don't or are distracted, we focus on context (peripheral vs. central route) | |
941251619 | William McGuire | Inoculation analogy: ppl resist arg when vaccinated with refuted counter arguments. | |
941251620 | Reactance | when social pressure is so great that freedom is threatened, ppl will assert freedom. | |
941251621 | Leon Festinger's Social Comparison Theory | 1. Ppl want to eval themselves by obj measures; when not possible compare to others. 2. Less similarity to other, the less likely comparison will be made 3. When there is a discrepancy, ppl will move to match the group. | |
941251622 | Schachter | The greater the need to compare (anxiety), the greater the desire to affiliate. | |
941251623 | Reciprocity Theory | We tend to like those who like us. | |
941251624 | Gain-Loss principle | Aronson & Linder: We like someone more when their liking of us has recently increased. | |
941251625 | Social Exchange Theory | ppl Weigh cost and benefits of interacting with another. vs. Equity Theory (we want benefits to be the same for the other party) vs. Need Complimentarity | |
941251626 | Edward Thorndike | Judgement of another's character is influenced by overall impression (e.g. Halo Effect) | |
941251627 | Zajonc | Mere Exposure Hypothesis. Also, obs that presence of others enhanced dominant responses | |
941251628 | Darley & Latane | By Stander Intervention: 1964 Kitty Genovese stabbed. Diffusion of responsibility and Social Influence (how others react or are present) | |
941251629 | Pluralistic Ignorance | When majority of a grp privately reject a norm, but assume incorrectly that others accept it. | |
941251630 | Batson's Empathy-Altruism Model | When faced with others needing help, ppl feel distress and/or empathy. When more distress than empathy run away. | |
941251631 | Muzafer Sharif Conformity Study | Autokinetic effect to show group conformity. Robber's Cave Experiment (created hostilities through competition and health them through coop) | |
941251632 | Asch's Conformity Study | Comparing Lines. First round all agree. Then pressure to conform to wrong answer. 75% at least one changing of answer. | |
941251633 | Milgram's Obedience Experiment | 65% continue past "Danger". Drive to obey authority stronger than drive to not hurt others. | |
941251634 | Compliance | Change in behavior due to pressure | |
941251635 | Clark and Clark 1947 | Doll preference study used in the Brown vs. Board of Education case. | |
941251636 | Primacy Effect | 1st impressions are more important than subsequent impressions | |
941251637 | Attribution Theory/Error | Fritz Heider. Ppl over estimate dispositional over situational causes of beh in others. | |
941251638 | MJ Lerner | Belief in a Just World that causes blaming of the victim | |
941251639 | Theodore Newcomb | Conservative women adapt to liberal norms at college (vote Roosvelt, 1936) | |
941251640 | Edward Hall | Studied Proxemics | |
941251641 | Social Loafing | Ppl do worse jobs when part of a group. | |
941251642 | Phil Zimbardo | Ppl commit antisocial acts when they feel anonymous. Prison Study-Beh change due to Deindividuation=a loss of personal ID, roles take over. | |
941251643 | Irving Janis | Historical blunders due to ignoring non-congruent evidence to reach consensus (Group Think) | |
941251644 | Value Hypothesis | Group shifts to Riskier beh when riskiness is culturally valued. | |
941251645 | Kurt Lewin | 3 Leadership Styles in boys: 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic (more satisfied) 3. Laissez Faire | |
941251646 | John Locke | Tabula Rasa | |
941251647 | Rousseau | Believed society detrimental to development. Emile: Concerning Education | |
941251648 | Stanley Hall | Father of Dev Psych. 1st to Empirical research with children! | |
941251649 | John Watson | Extreme Behaviorist. Parents have all the responsibility and should avoid sentimentality | |
941251650 | Arnold Giselle | Dev is a process of maturation (bio process). Blue print exists (Nativist) | |
941251651 | Cognitive Structuralists | Believe there is a blueprint. E.g. Piaget | |
941251652 | Sequential Cohort | group 1, 2, 3 over time 1, 2, 3. | |
941251653 | Gamete | Sex cells. Haploid (23 chrome v.s. full 46) | |
941251654 | Lewis Terman | Found adoptive children are more like bio parents than adopt parents in IQ and criminal ben (heritable) | |
941251655 | RC Tryon | 1942. Bred "Maze-bright" and "Maze-dull" rats. Showed learning has some genetic basis. | |
941251656 | Baby Reflexes | 1. Rooting = turn head to stim on cheek 2. Moro = abrupt head movement causes reach and hug self. 3. Babinski = stim on foot, spread toes 4. Grasping | |
941251657 | Fertilization | Conception. In falopian tubes | |
941251658 | Germinal period | Second stage. 2 weeks | |
941251659 | Embryonic Stage | Growth 2 million %. Hormone production at 8 weeks | |
941251660 | Fetal Period | at 3rd mo, electrical act in brain | |
941251661 | Jean Piaget | Schema = thought patterns. Adaptation through assimilation (use old schema) or accommodation (change schema) | |
941251662 | Piaget's 4 Stages of Dev | 1. Sensorimotor-Primary (body) and secondary circular rxns. No obj permanence 2. Preoperational-2-7 years. Centration (only focus on part of situation) No Conservation of matter. 3. Concrete operational-7-11 Master conservation of matters 4. Formal Operational - Think like a Scientist | |
941251663 | Lev Vygotsky | Dev is cultural internalization. Zone of Proximal Dev (test with and without help) | |
941251664 | Semantics | Word meaning | |
941251665 | Syntax | sentence making, word order | |
941251666 | Pragmatics | Inflexion and style of how things said | |
941251667 | Noam Chomsky | Nativist. Transformational Grammar (change word order changes meaning). LAD (lang acquisition device)--Critical Prd. (Genie) | |
941251668 | Libido | Sexual energy present at birth. Desire to reduce libidinal tension drives dev. | |
941251669 | Freud's 5 Dev Stages | 1. Oral - 0-1 Fixation is dependence 2. Anal - 1-3 Fixation is too orderly 3. Phallic - Oedipal. 3-5 4. Latency - puberty Sublimation Occurs 5. Genital - normal hetero relationship | |
941251670 | Erik Erikson 8 stages | 1. Trust/Mistrust 2. Autonomy/Shame 3. Initiative/Guilt 4. Industry/Inferiority 5. ID/Role Confusion 6. Intimacy/Isolation 7. Generativity/Stagnation 8. Integrity/Despair | |
941251671 | Thomas & Chess | 3 infant beh styles. easy difficult and slow to warm | |
941251672 | Harry Harlow | Cloth mothers. Contact Comfort is more important than food | |
941251673 | John Bowlby | Infant studies of attachment. Separation anxiety. | |
941251674 | Mary Ainsworth | Stranger Situation Procedure. 3 types of infant: Insecure/avoidant, secure, insecure | |
941251675 | Konrad Lorenz | Rapid formation of attachment with obj in enviro. Imprinted Jackdaw bird | |
941251676 | Kohlberg | 3 stages of Moral Dev: 1. Preconventional (hedonistic) 2. Conventional (Social rules) 3. Post-Convention (greater good) | |
941251677 | Heinz Dilemma | Used moral dilemmas to find what Kohlberg' stage. | |
941251678 | Carol Gilligan | Criticized Kohlberg. Boys more rule based, girls more interpersonal. | |
941251679 | 3 Stages of Self-Socialization | 1. Gender Labeling 2. G. Stability 3. Gender Consistency (regardless of clothes) | |
941251680 | Diane Baumrind | Parenting Styles: 1. Authoritarian - punitive, no emo warmth 2. Authoritative - hi demands, but hi emo 3. Permissive - low demands | |
941251681 | William Sheldon | 1. Endomorphy - soft spherical 2. Ectomorphy - thin, light muscled 3. Mesomorphy - hard muscular, rectangle | |
941251682 | Boring | Study of Psych relates to the Zeitgeist of the time | |
941251683 | Id | Houses psychic energy. Pleasure Principle - wants immediate satisfaction (Primary Process helps to cope, e.g. imagine food) | |
941251684 | Ego | Reality Principle - inhibits Id to postpone pleasure | |
941251685 | Super Ego | Moral branch: Good (ego-ideal) vs. Bad (Conscience). Strives for perfection. | |
941251686 | Transference | Patient attributes attitudes of past lovers to therapist | |
941251687 | Repression | Defense Mechanism, unconscious forgetting | |
941251688 | Suppression | Conscious forgetting | |
941251689 | Reaction Formation | Defense Mechanism - Repressed wish is warded off by opposite | |
941251690 | Displacement | Defense Mechanism - Feeling discharged on less dangerous obj/person | |
941316970 | Thanatos | DeathForce | |
941316971 | Philippe Pinel | Reformed asylums in Paris 1792. | |
941316972 | Humanism | Patients should be taken as a whole, not just ben or instinct. | |
941316973 | General Paresis | Caused by Syphilis. Proof that psych and bio related. | |
941316974 | Emil Kraepelin | Dev precursor to DSM | |
941316975 | Cerletti and Bini | Shock therapy for schizophrenia | |
941316976 | Carl Jung | Libido is not sexual. Ego = conscious mind. Personal and Collective Unconscious (Common experiences=archetypes). Persona (social Mask); Anima (gender); Shadow (animal instinct); Self (collective uncon and conscious meet). Mandala | |
941316977 | Alfred Adler | Striving for Superiority. Coinded "inferiority complex" | |
941316978 | Fictional Finalism | Ppl are more motivated by expectations of future than experiences in the past. | |
941316979 | Ana Freud | Ego Psychology = conscious ego | |
941316980 | Karen Horney | Neurotic personality = unbalanced needs | |
941316981 | Martin Seligman | Learned Helplessness Study (dogs) | |
941316982 | Phenomenological Theories of Beh | Focus on internal processes | |
941316983 | Maslow's hierarchy of needs | All leading to Self-actualization | |
941316984 | George Kelly | Ppl are scientist dev Schemas of Anticipation. Psychopathology = predictions unsuccessful. | |
941316985 | Carl Rogers | Humanist. Client-Centered Therapy = Client is in control and solve own probs. when given unconditional positive regard. | |
941316986 | Humanist Existential Therapies | Finding meaning in life by making own choices. Psychopathology = no meaning in life. | |
941316987 | Victor Frankl | Survivor of Nazi camps. Believed mental illness is feeling like no meaning in life. | |
941316988 | Raymond Cattell | Used factor analysis to find 6 basic personality traits. | |
941316989 | Hans Eysenk | Used factor analysis to test Jung's Enxtro-introvert. Found 2 more, neuroticism and psychoticism | |
941316990 | Gordon Allport | Used Lexical approach: 1. Cardinal (shape our lives around) 2. Central (major personality traits) 3. Secondary | |
941522812 | Functional Autonomy | When means to a goal become the goal (e.g. hunting). | |
941522813 | David McClelland | Found need for achievement (nAch). Avoid risks and proud of accomplishments. | |
941522814 | Herman Witkins | Field-Independend (good): rxns are specific to specific stim. Field-Depended: rxns diffuse. | |
941522815 | Julian Rotter | External vs. Internal Locus of control | |
941522816 | Sandra Bem | Androgyny = scoring high on both fem and masculine. | |
941522817 | Walter Mischel | Beh is dependent on chars of the situation, not on personality. | |
941522818 | DSM | 16 major diag classes. 5 Axes: i. Clinical disorder ii. Personality dis. or mental retardation iii. Medical conditions. iv. Life stressors v. Global Assess. of Functioning | |
941522819 | Dementia Praecox | "Split mind" = schizophrenia | |
941522820 | schizophrenia sxs | Pos = Added to norm, eg. delusions Neg = Absence of norm beh, e.g. flat affect | |
941522821 | schizophrenia types | Process = slow, insidious, hard to treat Reactive = intense and sudden. Better outcomes. | |
941522822 | Double-Bind Hypothesis | schizophrenia is caused by receiving conflicting messages from parents. Creates unreliable sense of reality. | |
941522823 | Dopamine Hypothesis | schizophrenia caused by excessive dopamine in the brain. Supported by effectiveness of Haldol and other dopamine inhibs. | |
941522824 | Bipolar Disorder | Formally known as Manic Depressive. I: Manic (shorter) and dep episodes (longer) II: Hypomania (more optimistic, does not impair func.) | |
941522825 | Monoamine/Catecholamine Theory of Depression | Too much norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and serotonine = mania, and too little = depression | |
941522826 | Somatoform Disorders | sxs not fully explained by medical conditions. 1. Conversion disorder - once called hysteria is unexplained motor or sensory sxs 2. Hypochondiasis - Misinterp of body leads to belief of disease. | |
941522827 | Dissociative Disorders | Person avoids stress by dissociating from identity: 1. D. Amnesia - loss of mem 2. D. Fugue - amnesia and ID confusion due to change in enviro 3. D. ID - (Multiple personality) Sybil, Chase. 4. Depersonalization Dis. - feels like an outside observer | |
941522828 | Personality Disorder | A pattern of beh that is inflexible and maladaptive and causing distress/func impairment. Passive Agressive was removed. 10 types | |
941522829 | Schizoid Personality Disorder | Social detachement, Restrictive emo range. | |
941522830 | Narcissistic Personality Disorder | Grandiose sense of self. Fantasies of success. Disturbances in relationships. | |
941522831 | Diathesis stress Model | Predisposition + enviro stressors = mental illness. | |
941522832 | Anti Social Personality Disorder | Formally, sociopathic. Disregard for others freedoms. Illegal acts with lack of remorse. | |
941522833 | Primary Prevention | Reduce prevalence of mental ill through prevention. | |
941522834 | David Rosenhan | Had ppl admitted to wards to show how normal seems crazy in crazy context. | |
941522835 | Szasz | The Myth of Mental Illness- ppl shouldn't have to conform to norm | |
941522836 | Fanz Gall | Invented Phrenology | |
941522837 | Pierre Flourenz | Did Extirpation (ablation) on pigeons: Specific parts - func impairment. | |
941522838 | William James | Functionalist (mind helps adapt to enviro) | |
941522839 | John Dewey | First Functionalist paper, criticized Reflex Arc. | |
941522840 | Paul Broca | Specific brain region - specific func. Broca's Area = lang production | |
941522841 | Phineas Gage | Pole through the frontal lobe - personality change. | |
941522842 | Johannes Müller | Law of Specific Nerve Energies - sensory nerves only respond to specific stim. | |
941522843 | Herman Helmholtz | First to measure speed of nerve impulse (rxn = science!) | |
941522844 | Sir Charles Sherrington | First inferred existence of synapse. Thought electrical not chem | |
941522845 | Types of Neurons | 1. Sensory - Afferent. Transmit from sensory receptors to spine and brain 2. Motor - Efferent. From brain and spine to muscles 3. Interneurons - Most numerous, in brain and spine. B/n other neurons. Linked to reflexive beh. | |
941522846 | Peripheral Nervous Sys | Opposite to Central. 1. Somatic - sensory/motor. 2. Autonomic - Automatic, organ func etc. | |
941522847 | Autonomic NS | Automatic funds: 1. Sympathetic - Fight or Flight (Adrenaline) 2. Parasympathetic - Rest and Digest (Acetylcholine) | |
941522848 | ForeBrain | Most recently evolved. Complex cogn and beh. | |
941522849 | MidBrain | Second to evolve. Sensorimotor func/ reflexes that help survive. | |
941522850 | Hind-Brain | Where meets spine. Oldest part of the brain. General arousal, breathing, motor. | |
941522851 | Thalamus | Sorts sensory stim and sends to appropriate brain region. | |
941522852 | Hypothalamus | (Walter Cannon) Homeostatic Functions= Drive behaviors (hunger, sex, thirst). Regulates Fight or Flight. | |
941522853 | Lateral Hypothalamus | Osmoreceptors - when to drink water. Damage = aphagia (refusal to eat). Think "Lacking Hunger" | |
941522854 | Ventromedial Hypothalamus | Satiety Center. Damage = hyperphagia. Think "Very Hungry" | |
941522855 | Anterior Hypothalamus | Sexual Beh. Damage = inhib of sexual beh. | |
941522856 | Basil Ganglia | Received signals from Cortex and relays through Extrapyramidal Motor Sys to CNS. Smooth movement (Parkinson's affects) | |
941522857 | Ventricals | Pockets of fluid. Too large - schizophrenia | |
941522858 | Limbic System | 2nd brain region to evolve after HindBrain. Emo and memory. | |
941522859 | Septum | In Limbic Sys. One primary Pleasure Center (sexual arousal). (Olds and Milner - rats prefer stim than eating). Damage = Septal Rage. | |
941522860 | Amygdala | In Limbic Sys. Regulate defense and aggressive ben. Lesion = docility and hypersexual | |
941522861 | Hippocampus | Learning and Mem. H.M. (Brenda Milner)- Anterograde Amnesia (no new mem) | |
941522862 | Medula Oblongata | In Hind Brain. Vital Funcs like heartbeat/breathing. | |
941522863 | Cerebellum | In Hind Brain. Posture, balance (alcohol affects) | |
941522864 | Ponds Varolii | In Hind Brain. Sensorimotor tract (relay) | |
941522865 | Convolutions | Peaks and valleys on cortex. | |
941522866 | Frontal Lobe | An Association Area (integrates input from diverse regions). Lesion = decrease in impulse control/depression. Contains primary motor cortex. | |
941522867 | Parietal Lobe | Somatosensori Cortex (incoming sensory info). Spacial processing and manipulation | |
941522868 | Occipital Lobe | Visual striate Cortex. Some learning and motor. | |
941522869 | Temporal Lobe | Auditory Cortex. Wernike's Area - lang comp. Memory processing (Hippocampus here). | |
941522870 | Contralateral | Communication where hemisphere controls opposite side of body (most ppl). Vs. Ipsilaterally (same side). | |
941522871 | Left Hemisphere | Dominant in 97% of ppl. Controls Lang, Logic and math. | |
941522872 | Right Hemisphere | Intuition and creativity. Music. Makes holistic images. Context of lang. | |
941522873 | Sperry and Gazzinga | Cutting Corpus Collosum (Split Brain) | |
941522874 | Axon Hillock | Where axon meets cell body | |
941522875 | Nodes of Ranvier | space between myelin sheaths. Axn potential is regenerated in Saltatory Conduction. | |
941522876 | Glial Cells | Protect Neurons by providing myelination. | |
941522877 | Dendrites | Branch off cell body. Can regenerate and change. Receive info (axons convey). | |
941522878 | Resting Potential | Aka. membrane potential. Slight neg electrical charge neurons have at rest (neuron polarized). | |
941522879 | Membrane | Allow small/pos (sodium) ions to enter and exit and large/neg (potassium) ions stuck inside. | |
941522880 | Sodium-Potassium Pump | Mechnism that keeps flow of ions in balance so as not to neutralize cell. | |
941522881 | All-or-nothing Law | When depolarization reaches critical threshold of -50mV, cell will fire no matter what, peaking at +35mV regardless of intensity of stim. | |
941522882 | Eric Kandel | Experiments with sea snails. Found when habituation to stim, neurons release smaller amounts of neuropterans (ben related to neurons) |