AP Europe Religious Wars-Event Flashcards
Definitions, treaties, acts, events, etc.
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496653433 | Compromise | A national covenant in the Netherlands. It was designed to resist the degrees of Trent and the Inquisition. | |
496653434 | Tenth penny | A tax imposed by Spain on the Netherlands. It was a 10% sales tax that met plenty of resistance. | |
496653435 | Spanish Fury | The greatest atrocity of the war between Spain and the Netherlands. Spanish mercenaries ran amok in Antwerp, leaving 7,000 people dead. | |
496653436 | Marian Exiles | Protestants who fled England during the reign of Mary I. They settled in Germany and Switzerland and worshiped in their own congregations, wrote contracts justifying armed resistance and waited for a time when a Protestant counteroffensive could be launched in their homelands. | |
496653437 | Act of Supremacy | This act repealed all the anti-Protestant legislation of Mary Tudor and asserted Elizabeth's right as "supreme governor" over both spiritual and temporal affairs. | |
496653438 | Act of Uniformity | This act mandated a revised version of the second "Book of Common Prayer" for every English parish. | |
496653439 | "First Blast ofthe Trumpet Against the Terrible Regiment of Women" | written by John Knox, founder of Presbyterianism in Scotland. Provoke a revolt against Mary Tudor, was published in the year of Elizabeth's coronation; Elizabeth thought it was against her and she never liked them. Justification for Calvinists to fight. | |
496653440 | Treaty of Nonsuch | An agreement between England and the Netherlands. England gave money and troops to Netherland in exchange for land. Philip saw this as a declaration of war by England, prompting the Spanish Armada. | |
496653441 | Babington Plot | Anthony Babington sought Spanish support for an attempt on Elizabeth I's life. Mary Queen of Scots was involved in this plot and as punishment, was executed. | |
496653442 | Pre-Conditions for war | Lack of German unity, religious division, and Calvinists. | |
496653443 | Four periods of war | Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, and Swedish-French | |
496653444 | Defenestration of Prague | The Protestant nobility in Prague responded to Ferdinand's decision to revoke the religious freedoms of Bohemian Protestants by throwing his regents out the window. | |
496653445 | Edict of Restitution | Ferdinand of Bohemia ordered the return of all Catholic property seized by Protestants since 1552. Nullified by the Treaty of Wesphalia. | |
496653446 | Peace of Prague | German Protestant states, led by Saxony, reached a compromise with Ferdinand with this treaty. | |
496653447 | Treaty of Westphalia | This treaty brought all hostilities within the Holy Roman Empire to an end. Rescinded Ferdinand's Edict of Restitution. | |
496653448 | Treaty of the Pyrenees | A humiliating treaty forced on Spain, making France Europe's dominant power. | |
496653449 | Sea Beggars | An international group of anti-Spanish exiles and war criminals, they captured the port city of Brill. | |
496653450 | Pacification of Ghent | A union between Catholic provinces and Protestant provinces against Spain. It declared internal regional sovereignty in matters of relgion. | |
496653451 | Huguenots | French Protestants. | |
496653452 | Battle of Pavia | In 1525, Francis I of France was captured by Charles V. This caused the first war of Protestant persecution in France. | |
496653453 | Edict of Fontainebleau | In 1540, this edict subjected all Huguenots to the Inquisition. | |
496653454 | Edict of Chateaubriand | Henry II passed this edict to further persecute Protestants. | |
496653455 | Bourbons | French Protestant family with much influence on the French wars of religion. Louis de Conde was their leader. | |
496653456 | Montmorency-Chatilions | Huguenot family with much influence on the French wars of religion. They were led by Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. | |
496653457 | Guises | Militant Catholic family of France. They were a major influence on the French wars of relgion. | |
496653458 | Conspiracy of Amboise | A plot hatched by Protestant leaders to kidnap Francis II. | |
496653459 | January Edict | This edict allowed Protestant in France to worship outside towns publicly and privately inside them. Started by Catherine de Medici | |
496653460 | Peace of Saint-Germain-en Laye | This ended the 3rd war of religion allowed Protestants full religious freedoms within their territories and the right to fortify their cities. | |
496653461 | St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre | This occurred when Catherine de Medici and the Guise family made an attempt on Coligny's life. When it failed, a nervous Catherine convinced Charles IX that a Huguenot coup was a foot. The execution of several thousand Huguenots was ordered. | |
496653462 | Politique | A smart political ruler who puts the political survival of the state of religious unity. Best Elizabeth I | |
496653463 | Peace of Beaulieu | Passed by Henry III. Allowed Huguenots full religious and civil freedoms. Pressure from the Catholic League forced him to shorten it. | |
496653464 | Edict of Nantes | Passed by Henry IV. Allowed Huguenots public worship, right of assembly, admission to public offices and universities, and permission to maintain fortified towns. Exercised within their own towns and territories. | |
496653465 | Union of Brussels | Catholic and Protestant provinces joined in an alliance that tolerated religious differences but had political unity. It was the Netherland's unified opposition to Spain. | |
496653466 | Perpetual Edict | Don John of the Spanish forces had to sign this when the Union of Brussels defeated his forces. It provided for the full removal of Spanish troops from Dutch soil. | |
496653467 | Union of Arras | A union of southern provinces that made peace with Spain. | |
496653468 | Union of Utrecht | Northern provinces created this in response to the union of Arras. | |
496653469 | Alencon | The Union of Utrecht rejected Philip II as their ruler. They turned to Catherine's youngest son. Tried to take control of the provinces, but was returned to France. | |
496653470 | Defeat of the Spanish Armada | Most epic naval turnaround in history. Spain's large ships could not land troops on English shores. Swifter English and Dutch ships outmaneuvered Spain. | |
496653471 | Catholic League | Formed by ultra-Catholics in 1576 with the goal of exterminating heresy and putting a true Catholic champion (Henry, duke of Guise) on the French throne. | |
496653472 | Counter-Reformation | The Roman Catholic Church's attempt to combat the Reformation. | |
496653473 | Puritans | Calvinists in England and New England- wanted to purify the Anglican Church of its Catholic elements- get rid of statues, idols, and rituals in the Anglican Church | |
496653474 | Presbyterians | Scottish Calvinists under John Knox | |
496653475 | War of 3 Henrys | 1588-89: Henry Guise of the Catholic League seizes Paris and forces Henry III to make him chief minister. Henry III assassinates Henry Guise (cut up, burned, and dissolved in a vat of acid) and sides with Henry of Navarre (Calvinist again) to crush the Catholic League and take back Paris. Henry III was successful, but was assassinated shortly after by a fanatical friar. Henry of Navarre then takes the throne, but converts to Catholicism AGAIN to be accepted by Catholic France. End of French Wars of Religion. | |
496653476 | Council of Troubles | AKA "Council of Blood", according to the Dutch. Duke of Alba's action against powerful Dutch aristocrats. Resulted in the strengthening of an organized revolt in the Netherlands. | |
496653477 | Defenestration oF Prague May 1618 | The SPARK that ignited the 30 Years' Wars. Protestants set up a meeting with Catholic officials in Prague. Meeting went badly, Protestants unhappy with Ferdinand's rule. Rebelled by throwing two Catholic officials and a secretary out the window of castle. All survived 70 ft fall -- Catholics said it was a sign from Virgin Mary; Protestants pointed towards a landing pad of manure as their live preserver. Fighting began. | |
496653478 | United Provices of Netherlands | The independent northern provinces of the Netherlands, Protestant, became the Dutch Republic. 12 year truce ended war between N. and S. provinces in 1609, but Spain wouldn't formally recognize the United Provinces' independence until 1648. | |
496653479 | 30 Years' War | Began as a war of religion, developed into an international war of politics. Initially was between militant Calvinism and militant Catholicism. Majority of the fighting took place in Germany, so it suffered the most. Four phases: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, Franco-Swedish. Outcomes: France DOMINATES, Spain = second-class. France gets Alsace and other territories; all German states obtained freedom of religion. | |
496653480 | Battle of white Mountain | Ferdinand, with the help of Maxmillian of Bavaria and the Catholic League, defeated Frederick V and won back control of Bohemia, declaring it a Habsburg possession. The Spanish took control of the west part of the Palatine and Maximilian took the rest. | |
496653481 | Results of 30 Years' War | - N. Germany = Protestant, S. Germany = Catholic -United Provinces (once Netherlands) and Swizerland recognized as independent states -German princes had right to govern and practice freedom of religion as long as the didn't declare war on the HRE -HRE ended with German princes' freedom -Sweden won cash and Baltic land -France won Alsace -France became MOST powerful w/ territory and political gains (Habsburgs weakened, HRE gone) -Germany suffered in population, inflation, trade, food shortages, and destroyed buildings |