AP Euro Europe from 1815-1871 Flashcards
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781873294 | Edmund Burke | conservative, attacked principle of rights of man & natural law as dangerous to social order, tradition as basic underpinning for rights of positions of authority | |
781873295 | conservatism | slow political change over time | |
781873296 | Joseph de Maistre | more extreme conservatism, Church was foundation of society, all political authority stems from God, monarchs should be extremely stern w/ advocating slightest degree of political reform | |
781873297 | nationalism | all peoples' identities are defined by connection w/ nation & owe primary loyalty to nation, tied to liberalism w/ political equality & human freedom | |
781873298 | Grimm brothers | nationalistic, recorded old German folk tales to reveal traditional national spirit of common past | |
781873299 | liberalism | emphasis on individual's natural rights, limits on political authorities w/ constitutions & parliamentary bodies | |
781873300 | Adam Smith | liberal, opposed mercantilism, nation's true wealth was goods produced by labor of citizens, specialists have natural skills that can produce specialities better & faster --> trade enriches everyone, governments should follow laissez-faire policy | |
781873301 | mercantilism | nation's wealth measured in gold reserves (against foreign trade) | |
781873302 | laissez-faire | individuals set own production/price levels --> "invisible hand" guides balance between supply & demand w/ incentive to find cheaper ways to produce, lower prices & increase salaries | |
781873303 | Thomas Malthus | liberal, population growing at rate that would outstrip food supply, justification for miserable wages b/c better compensation = more children | |
781873304 | David Ricardo | liberal, only way factory owners could find advantage over competitors was w/ lower wages, "Iron Law of Wages" | |
781873305 | "Iron Law of Wages" | steady downward spiral in earnings | |
781873306 | Jeremy Bentham & John Stuart Mill | liberals, expanded role for government to provide "greatest happiness for the greatest number", utilitarian, necessary for state to intervene & help workers achieve economic justice, questioned absolute right to hold private property - needs to be more equitable way to distribute wealth in society, personal freedom - majority could deny liberty to minority in democracy | |
781873307 | Harriet Taylor | liberal, argued in favor of granting full equality to women | |
781873308 | socialism | political & economic equality for all through common ownership of all property ("Utopian Socialists"), poor environments corrupted human nature, capitalism over-emphasized production, under-emphasized distribution & caused unemployment/suffering from low wages | |
781873309 | Henri de Saint-Simon | socialist, society needed to be organized on scientific basis w/ hierarchical society led by an intellectual class | |
781873310 | Charles Fourier | socialist, blueprint for cooperative community w/ rotating tasks | |
781873311 | Robert Owen | socialist, built New Lanark (mill town in Scotland) w/ decent housing & education for children | |
781873312 | French Restoration | Bourbons restored to throne after defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo | |
781873313 | Charter of 1814 | contained freedoms from revolutionary period --> angered royalists by confirming land purchases made from nationalized Church property in France | |
781873314 | assassination of Duke de Berry | this caused ultra-royalists to pressure King to clamp down on press & give more rights to aristocracy in France | |
781873315 | ultra-royalists | wanted to see revival of absolute monarchy in France | |
781873316 | Law of Sacrilege | political repression increasing w/ Charles X, death as penalty for any attack on Church in France | |
781873317 | July Ordinances | dissolved newly elected assembly, took away right to vote from upper bourgeoisie & imposed rigid censorship in France | |
781873318 | July Revolution of 1830 | caused by liberals being afraid of Parisian mob & creation of republic --> Louis Philippe crowned | |
781873319 | July monarchy | bourgeois created, result of July Revolution of 1830 | |
781873320 | Troppau Protocol | Metternich wanted support of other great powers --> great European powers had right to intervene in revolutionary situations (rebellion in Naples put down w/ help from Austrian troops) | |
781873321 | Lord Byron | British Romantic poet, sent money to refit Greek fleet, Britain/France/Russia organize combined naval force to help Greeks declare independence from Ottomans (Russians fight on land) | |
781873322 | "Eastern Question" | what to do about Ottoman Empire | |
781873323 | "the Sick Man of Europe" | Ottoman Empire - breaking down after rulers who couldn't keep groups united, Greeks & Serbians breaking away/establishing independence (strongly promoted nationalism) | |
781873324 | "Decembrist" revolt | small group of military officers stage revolt in support of Constantine taking over throne rather than Nicholas I (put down quickly by Nicholas) | |
781873325 | Peterloo Massacre | demand for fundamental political changes (universal male suffrage, annual parliaments) | |
781873326 | Six Acts | ban demonstrations & impose censorships | |
781873327 | repeal of Combination Acts | had banned union activity (more conductive to reform) | |
781873328 | Great Reform Bill | expanded electorate to include industrialized wealth & showed political reform possible w/o resorting to barricades | |
781873329 | Poor Law of 1834 | harshness towards poor w/ destitute earning workhouses of miserable conditions & discouraged people from seeking assistance | |
781873330 | Factory Act of 1833 | reduced number of hours that children could work in factories | |
781873331 | elimination of Corn Laws | had imposed high tariffs on imported grain to support domestic growers, political order dominated by manufacturing interests (as opposed to old landed class) | |
781901047 | Revolutions of 1848 | started w/ rebellion in Kingdom of the Two Sicilies against King Ferdinand II, fueled by nationalistic desires & economic problems faced by working poor | |
781901048 | "hungry forties" | terrible decade for agriculture during Revolutions of 1848 | |
781901049 | potato famine | occurred in Ireland during "hungry forties" & Revolutions of 1848 | |
782614886 | national workshops | radicals provided these for jobs for unemployed w/ need for fundamental social/economic change | |
782614887 | workers' revolt | conservative government run by 5-man executive committee leads to this (quickly put down) --> did away w/ national workshops | |
782614888 | "June Days" | violent class struggle in Paris streets --> strengthened moderate republicans | |
782614889 | Second Republic | created by moderate republicans during "June Days" | |
782614890 | Louis Napoleon/Napoleon III | elected president of Second Republic, assumed dictatorial powers w/ plebiscite & conservative government as emperor | |
782614891 | Frederick William IV | Prussia, didn't keep promise of moderate reform --> disturbances in streets of Berlin --> ordered army to leave city & elected constituent assembly to create constitution --> later called back troops & dissolved assembly --> created own constitution w/ personal rights & 2-house legislature w/ adult-male universal suffrage (weighted votes based on taxes) | |
782614892 | Austria | nationalists to break free from Austrian monarchy --> Vienna under control of students/workers demanding freedom of press, end to censorship & removal of Metternich --> emperor takes control | |
782614893 | Lajos Kossuth | Hungary, demanded constitution for responsible government --> Russia helps to put down rebellion | |
782614894 | Prague | semi-autonomous Czech homeland --> revolt put down by military force | |
782614895 | Frankfurt Parliament | concerted effort to establish unified German state, monarchy vs. republic, where to draw borders | |
782614896 | Grossedeutsch plan | all German lands united under German rule | |
782614897 | Kleindeutsch plan | only include Prussia & smaller German states (settled on this) --> militaristic Prussian state | |
782614898 | Charles Albert | Italian liberals call for war of unification --> led Kingdom of Sardinia to attack Lombardy --> defeated by Austrians | |
782614899 | chartism | Great Britain, problems of working class should be corrected by changes in political organization --> People's Charter of 1838 | |
782614900 | People's Charter of 1838 | Great Britain, motivated by dissatisfaction w/ House of Commons after Great Reform Bill, universal adult-male suffrage, secret ballot, abolition of property requirements for Members of Parliament, payment to Members of Parliament, equal electoral districts, annual parliaments w/ yearly elections - THIS ONE DID NOT PASS | |
782641086 | political stability & religious toleration | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, environment friendly to economic investment (2 things) | |
782641087 | expanding population | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, result of lower death rate w/ better hygiene --> large body of low-wage workers & steady supply of consumers | |
782641088 | Agricultural Revolution | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, scientific farming & continuous crop rotation | |
782641089 | manufacturing industries | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, traditional manufacturing industrialized w/ labor-saving devices to improve production | |
782641090 | Enclosure Act | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, moved farmers into urban areas (increased efficiency) & created low-paid workforce for factories | |
782641091 | increase in capital | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, used to invest in new industries, Bank of England (central bank) brought flow of money into economy, interest rates lower | |
782641092 | overseas trade | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, additional investment to capital & largest merchant marine | |
782641093 | transportation | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of this, close proximity to sea, network of navigable rivers/canals, turnpike trusts | |
782641094 | coal & iron | Great Britain able to be first to industrialize b/c of its availability of these 2 resources | |
782641095 | John Kay | flying shuttle --> increased weaving speed to make cloth | |
782641096 | James Hargreaves | spinning jenny --> could spin many spindles at once | |
782641097 | Richard Arkwright | water frame spinning machine --> first modern factory | |
782641098 | James Watt | steam engine/steam pump --> possible to build factories other than along streams/rivers, independent of waterpower | |
782641099 | Abraham Darby | smelting iron using coal --> more productive machines made of iron | |
782641100 | railroad | leads to engines, tracks, stations, tunnels & hotels | |
782641101 | Belgium | first to industrialize b/c plentiful supply of coal & iron | |
782641102 | Zollverein | Prussia created this customs union that abolished tariffs between German states to spread trade/manufacturing | |
782641103 | France | lagged behind b/c political instability, lacked centralized banking structure, little population growth & peasants content to stay on land, BUT leader in luxury goods --> economic growth remained constant | |
782641104 | putting-out/domestic system | growth/development of cities replaced this --> more people lived in cities than countryside | |
782641105 | Sadler Committee | exposed that children were being beaten in factories --> Factory Act | |
782641106 | Factory Act | child labor laws, enacted by Sadler Committee | |
782641107 | Luddites | refuse to embrace new technologies --> tried to destroy machines, blamed for problems | |
782641108 | cooperative societies | small associations within a trade that provide benefits & services | |
782644965 | socialism | complete overhaul to an oppressive society | |
782644966 | Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels | organize Communist League & write Communist Manifesto | |
782658558 | Communist Manifesto | pamphlet on basic statement of principles of socialism, struggle between social classes - historical materialism/material dialectic, feudal age supplanted by triumph of bourgeois class | |
782658559 | Friedrich Hegel | economic conditions emanate from ideas, dialectical historiography as means towards analyzing historical events | |
782658560 | proletariat | working class arises & supplants capitalists who had exploited them | |
782658561 | Das Kapital | treatise on capitalism that explains mechanics of capitalists extracting profit from labor | |
782658562 | First International | socialist party | |
782658563 | Second International | Engel organizes this social party after Marx's death w/ Marxists calling for revolution of their own | |
782674037 | Crimean War | controversy over which nation would control sacred religious Christian sites in Jerusalem & fear of Ottoman weakness encouraging Russian adventurism in Balkans --> France & Britain declare war on Russia | |
782674038 | The Charge of the Light Brigade | showed incredible incompetence of all participants in Crimean War | |
782674039 | Florence Nightingale | inspired to revolutionize nursing by Crimean War | |
782674040 | Sevastopol | fall of this Russian fortress ends Crimean War --> Austrians threaten to enter on side of British & French unless Russia accepts peace terms --> Russia ceded territory on Danube River & warships in Black Sea --> trapped in ports along Baltic subject to Swedish/Danish tolls & bad weather, Concert of Europe shattered --> no unity, Britain isolationist, no support for Austria from Russia against Germany/Italy, no support for France from Britain against Prussia | |
782691392 | Pope Pius IX | authority in Rome restored --> reactionary policies --> liberals want unified Italian state | |
782691393 | Count Camillo di Cavour | practical, sought ways to enhance power of Sardinian state, expulsion of Austria from Italian peninsula --> secret alliance w/ France b/c helped during Crimean War & France was enemies w/ Austria --> win against Austria & expel from Italian lands --> threatened by Prussia who was helping Austria --> popular rebellions throughout Italian peninsula, wanted to unite northern Italy (feared too large state could threaten France) | |
782691394 | Risorgimento | architect of Italian unification, Cavour | |
782691395 | Giuseppe Garibaldi | southern Italy, member of Young Italy, threatened to attack France over loss of Italian territories | |
782691396 | Young Italy | Mazzini movement, state-building in romanticized terms | |
782691397 | "red shirts" | Garibaldi's army, surprisingly conquer successfully at invasion of Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Cavour had encouraged this as a suicide mission) --> wanted to march on Rome to make new capital to threaten papal control & Cavour/Napoleon III) --> Cavour rushes troops to Naples to block & waited for popular revolt --> moves Sardinian troops to all papal lands except Rome | |
782872096 | Victor Emmanuel | first king of Italy | |
782872097 | Franco-Prussian War | this resulted in Rome being added to Italy & named the new capital following the withdrawal of French troops from the city | |
783363176 | Otto von Bismarck | selected by William I as prime minister --> military reforms to challenge Austrian supremacy --> Bismarck ignores Parliament & collects taxes to implement reforms | |
783363177 | Danish War | modernized Prussian army allies w/ Austria to defeat Danes over Schleswig & Holstein --> purposefully gave Schleswig to Prussia & Holstein to Austria to create dispute for next war | |
783363178 | Seven Weeks War/Austro-Prussian War | alliance w/ Italy & non-participation agreement from French --> Prussia declares war on Austria & wins --> Austria must stay out of next war w/ France | |
783363179 | "Ems dispatch" | Bismarck definitely wanted Franco-Prussian War --> made it appear as though Prussian king had insulted France --> Napoleon III declares war on Prussia | |
783363180 | Battle of Sedan | France defeated by Prussia in Franco-Prussian War | |
783363181 | "Kulterkampf" | Prussia attacks Catholics by controlling all church appointments & Catholic education | |
783363182 | Georges Haussmann | economic expansion, clears slums & builds wide avenues in France --> Paris cleaner w/ aqueducts eliminating cholera | |
783363183 | Third Republic w/ Paris Commune | radical government created out of anarchy, puts down revolts violently w/ massacre of Parisians --> 2-house parliamentary body (lower chamber of deputies, upper senate) | |
783363184 | Boulanger Affair | weakened monarchy (coup d'etat probable) w/ tensions between Church/state & anti-Semitism | |
783363185 | Great Exhibition of 1851 | display of variety of British goods available from industrialization | |
783363186 | Crystal Palace | first prefabricated building | |
783363187 | John Paxton | Crystal Palace - first prefabricated building | |
783363188 | Reform Bill of 1832 | increased democracy by expanding franchise | |
783363189 | Benjamin Disraeli | Tory, conservative, French prime minister, passes Second Reform Bill, rival of liberal William Gladstone | |
783363190 | Second Reform Bill | extended vote to urban heads of households | |
783363191 | William Gladstone | liberal, extend vote to heads of households in countryside --> overall deterioration in political power of monarchy, rival of conservative Benjamin Disraeli | |
783363192 | Alexander II | frees serfs in Russia --> had to buy freedom w/ payments extended over 50 years | |
783363193 | Zemstvos | district assemblies in Russia, introduced to deal w/ local issues (ex. education, social services) | |
783363194 | People's Will | assassinated autocratic but legally reformative Alexander II in Russia --> Alexander III | |
783363195 | Alexander III | new round of repression in Russia & weakens tentative reforms of Alexander II | |
783363196 | Battle of Sadowa | Habsburgs in Austria lose all territories to Italy & defeated by Prussians in this battle | |
783363197 | Francis Joseph | signed agreement w/ Magyars in Hungary --> Austrian-Hungarian empire under mutual leadership of this person | |
783363198 | Sultan Abdul Mejid | Tanzimat, process of modernization/adopting Western methods of waging wars in Ottoman Empire, overhaul of economy, equality before law, freedom of religion | |
783363199 | "Young Turks" | liberal intellectuals in Ottoman Empire, push constitutional monarchy | |
783363200 | Sultan Abdul Hamid II | scraps Ottoman constitution --> deaths of thousands of Armenians/precursor to Armenian Genocide --> general repression, Young Turks restore constitutional rule | |
783363201 | Russo-Turkish War | Ottomans defeated by Russians | |
783363202 | Congress of Berlin | independence of Serbia, Montenegro, Romania & Bulgaria after Russo-Turkish War in Ottoman Empire |