age of jackson vocabulary
US History [1]
Cherokee Nation [4]
Andrew Jackson [5]
John C. Calhoun [9]
Nullification [10]
John Quincy Adams [11]
Cherokee [13]
Age of Jackson (1820-1850) 111. Panic of 1819: Bank tightened loan policies, depression rose throughout the country, hurt western farmers greatly 112. Election of 1824 : ?corrupt bargain? and backroom deal for JQ Adams to win over Jackson 113. Tariff of Abominations: under JQ Adams, protectionist tariff, South considered it the source of economic problems, made Jackson appear to advocate free trade 114. Jackson?s Presidency : focused on the ?Common Man;? removal of Indians, removal of federal deposits in BUS, annexation of?territory, liberal use of veto 115. Transportation Revolution: river traffic, road building, canals(esp. Erie), rise of NYC ? Erie Canal ? goods able to be transferred from New York to?New Orleans by inland waterways