Barron's SAT High-Frequency Word List Flashcards
Barron's SAT High-Frequency and Hot Prospects Word List (24th edition book)
Terms : Hide Images [1]
75726295 | abate | subside, decrease | |
75726296 | abridge | condense, shorten | |
75726297 | abstemious | temperate, sparing | |
75726298 | abstract | theoretical, nonrepresentational | |
75726299 | abstruse | obscure, profound | |
75726300 | accessible | easy to approach, obtainable | |
75726301 | acclaim | applaud | |
75726302 | accolade | award of merit | |
75726303 | acknowledge | recognize, admit | |
75726304 | acquiesce | agree without protesting | |
75726305 | acrid | sharp, bitterly pungent | |
75726306 | acrimonious | bitter in words or manner | |
75726307 | adulation | flattery, admiration | |
75726308 | adversary | opponent | |
75726309 | adversity | hardship | |
75726310 | advocate | support | |
75726311 | aesthetic | artistic, appreciation of beauty | |
75726312 | affable | warmly friendly | |
75726313 | affirmation | confirmation | |
75726314 | aggregate | accumulate | |
75726315 | alleviate | relieve | |
75726316 | aloof | reserved | |
75726317 | altruistic | unselfishly generous | |
75726318 | ambiguous | confusing | |
75726319 | ambivalence | contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes | |
75726320 | amorphous | having no form | |
75726321 | anachronistic | error involving time | |
75726322 | analogous | comparable | |
75726323 | anarchist | advocate of abolishing authority | |
75726324 | anecdote | short account of an amusing or interesting event | |
75726325 | animosity | hatred, hostility | |
75726326 | anomaly | irregularity | |
75726327 | antagonism | hostility, active resistance | |
75726328 | antediluvian | ancient | |
75726329 | antidote | medicine | |
75726330 | antipathy | dislike | |
75726331 | antiquated | old-fashioned | |
75726332 | apathy | indifference | |
75726333 | apocryphal | untrue | |
75726334 | appease | pacify or soothe | |
75726335 | apprehension | fear | |
75726336 | arable | fit for growing crops | |
75726337 | arbitrary | random | |
75726338 | archaic | antiquated | |
75726339 | ardent | intense | |
75726340 | arrogance | pride | |
75726341 | articulate | effective | |
75726342 | artifact | object made my human beings, either handmade or mass-produced | |
75726343 | artisan | craftsman | |
75726344 | ascendancy | domination | |
75726345 | ascetic | practicing self-denial | |
75726346 | aspire | long for | |
75726347 | assiduous | diligent | |
75726348 | assuage | ease, lessen, soothe | |
75726349 | astute | wise | |
75726350 | atrophy | waste away | |
75726351 | attribute | ascribe, explain | |
75726352 | audacious | bold | |
75726353 | augment | increase | |
75726354 | austere | stern, simple | |
75726355 | authoritarian | completely dominating | |
75726356 | autonomous | self-governing | |
75726357 | avarice | greediness | |
75726358 | aversion | dislike | |
75726359 | avert | prevent, turn away | |
75726360 | beguile | mislead, pass time | |
75726361 | belie | contradict, give a false impression | |
75726362 | benevolent | generous | |
75726363 | bequeath | hand down | |
75726364 | bleak | cold or cheerless, unlikely | |
75726365 | blighted | suffering from disease, destroyed | |
75726366 | bolster | support, reinforce | |
75726367 | braggart | boaster | |
75726368 | brevity | conciseness | |
75726369 | buttress | support | |
75726370 | cacophonous | inharmonious | |
75726371 | cajole | coax | |
75726372 | calculated | deliberately planned, likely | |
75726373 | candor | frankness | |
75726374 | capricious | unpredictable, fickle, fanciful | |
75726375 | carping | finding fault | |
75726376 | censorious | critical | |
75726377 | censure | blame | |
75726378 | certitude | certainty | |
75726379 | charlatan | quack, pretender to knowledge | |
75726380 | circumlocution | indirect/roundabout expression | |
75726381 | cliché | phrase dulled in meaning by repetition | |
75726382 | coalesce | combine | |
75726383 | coercion | use of force to get someone to obey | |
75726384 | colloquial | pertaining to conversation or common speech | |
75726385 | combustible | easily burned | |
75726386 | commemorate | honor memory of | |
75726387 | compile | assemble, gather | |
75726388 | complacency | self-satisfaction | |
75726389 | complementary | serving to complete something | |
75726390 | compliance | readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements | |
75726391 | composure | mental calmness | |
75726392 | comprehensive | thorough | |
75726393 | concede | admit, yield | |
75726394 | conciliatory | reconciling, soothing | |
75726395 | concise | brief and compact | |
75726396 | concur | agree | |
75726397 | condone | overlook, forgive, excuse | |
75726398 | conflagration | great fire | |
75726399 | confluence | flowing together, crowd | |
75726400 | confound | confuse | |
75726401 | conjecture | guess | |
75726402 | consensus | general agreement | |
75726403 | constraint | compulsion, repression of feelings | |
75726404 | contend | struggle, compete, assert | |
75726405 | contentious | quarrelsome | |
75726406 | contract | compress, make a pledge, catch a disease | |
75726407 | converge | approach, come together | |
75726408 | conviction | judgment that someone is guilty of a crime, strongly held belief | |
75726409 | cordial | gracious | |
75726410 | corroborate | confirm, support | |
75726411 | corrode | destroy by chemical action | |
75726412 | corrugated | wrinkled, ridged | |
75726413 | credulity | gullibility, naivete | |
75726414 | criterion | standard used in judging | |
75726415 | cryptic | mysterious, secret, hidden | |
75726416 | culpable | deserving blame | |
75726417 | cursory | casual, hastily done | |
75726418 | curtail | shorten | |
75726419 | debilitate | weaken, enfeeble | |
75726420 | debunk | expose as false, exaggerated, worthless | |
75726421 | decorum | orderliness | |
75726422 | deference | courteous regard for another's wish | |
75726423 | degradation | humiliation, debasement | |
75726424 | dehydrate | dry out | |
75726425 | deleterious | harmful | |
75726426 | delineate | portray, depict | |
75726427 | denounce | condemn | |
75726428 | deplore | regret, disapprove of | |
75726429 | depose | dethrone | |
75726430 | depravity | corruption, wickedness | |
75726431 | deprecate | express disapproval of | |
75726432 | deride | ridicule | |
75726433 | derivative | derived from another source | |
75726434 | desiccate | dry up | |
75726435 | despondent | depressed | |
75726436 | detached | distant, calm and objective, physically unconnected | |
75726437 | deterrent | hindrance | |
75726438 | detrimental | harmful | |
75726439 | devious | roundabout, erratic | |
75726440 | devise | invent, plan | |
75726441 | diffidence | shyness | |
75726442 | diffuse | wordy, rambling, spread out | |
75726443 | digression | wandering away from subject | |
75726444 | dilatory | delaying | |
75726445 | diligence | hard work and effort | |
75726446 | diminution | lessening | |
75726447 | discerning | mentally quick and observant | |
75726448 | disclose | reveal | |
75726449 | discordant | not harmonious | |
75726450 | discount | disregard, dismiss | |
75726451 | discourse | formal discussion | |
75726452 | discrepancy | lack of consistency, difference | |
75726453 | discriminating | prejudiced | |
75726454 | disdain | view with scorn or contempt | |
75727383 | disinclination | unwillingness | |
75727384 | dismiss | reject | |
75727385 | disparage | belittle | |
75727386 | disparity | difference | |
75727387 | disperse | scatter | |
75727388 | disputatious | argumentative | |
75727389 | disseminate | distribute | |
75727390 | dissent | disagree | |
75727391 | distend | expand | |
75727392 | divergent | differing, deviating | |
75727393 | doctrine | teachings | |
75727394 | document | provide written evidence | |
75727395 | dogmatic | opinionated, arbitrary, doctrinal | |
75727396 | dubious | questionable | |
75727397 | dupe | someone easily fooled | |
75727398 | duplicity | double-dealing | |
75727399 | ebullient | showing excitement | |
75727400 | eclectic | composed of elements drawn from disparate sources | |
75727401 | edify | instruct | |
75727402 | efface | rub out | |
75727403 | effervescence | inner excitement, bubbling from fermentation or carbonation | |
75727404 | egotistical | excessively self-centered | |
75727405 | elated | overjoyed | |
75727406 | elegy | poem or song expressing lamentation | |
75727407 | elicit | draw out by discussion | |
75727408 | eloquence | expressiveness, persuasive speech | |
75727409 | elucidate | explain, enlighten | |
75727410 | elusive | evasive, baffling | |
75727411 | emaciated | thin and wasted | |
75727412 | embellish | adorn, ornament | |
75727413 | emend | correct | |
75727414 | emulate | imitate, rival | |
75727415 | endorse | approve, support | |
75727416 | enhance | increase, improve | |
75727417 | enigma | puzzle | |
75727418 | enmity | ill will, hatred | |
75727419 | ephemeral | short-lived, fleeting | |
75727420 | equanimity | calmness of temperament, composure | |
75727421 | equitable | fair, impartial | |
75727422 | equivocal | ambiguous, misleading | |
75727423 | erroneous | mistaken | |
75727424 | erudite | learned | |
75727425 | esoteric | hard to understand, known only by few | |
75727426 | eulogy | expression of praise at someone's death | |
75727427 | euphemism | mild expression in place of an unpleasant one | |
75727428 | evanescent | fleeting | |
75727429 | exacerbate | worsen | |
75727430 | exalt | raise in rank, praise | |
75727431 | excerpt | selected passage | |
75727432 | execute | put into effect, carry out | |
75727433 | exemplary | outstanding, serving as a model | |
75727434 | exemplify | embody, serve as an example of | |
75727435 | exhaustive | thorough | |
75727436 | exhilarating | invigorating and refreshing | |
75727437 | exonerate | acquit, exculpate | |
75727438 | expedient | suitable, practical, politic | |
75727439 | expedite | hasten | |
75727440 | explicit | totally clear, definite | |
75727441 | exploit | make use of | |
75727442 | extol | praise, glorify | |
75727443 | extraneous | not essential | |
75727444 | extricate | free | |
75727445 | exuberance | abundance, enthusiasm | |
75727446 | facilitate | help bring about | |
75727447 | fallacious | false, misleading | |
75727448 | fallow | plowed but not sowed | |
75727449 | falter | hesitate | |
75727450 | fanaticism | extreme devotion | |
75727451 | fastidious | difficult to please | |
75727452 | fathom | comprehend, investigate | |
75727453 | feasible | practical | |
75727454 | fell | cut or knock down, bring down | |
75727455 | fervor | glowing ardor, intensity of feeling | |
75727456 | fitful | unsteady | |
75727457 | flagrant | wicked, blatant, outrageous | |
75727458 | florid | ruddy, reddish, flowery | |
75727459 | foolhardy | rash | |
75727460 | frivolous | lacking in seriousness, carefree | |
75727461 | frugality | thrift, economy | |
75727462 | furtive | stealthy, sneaky | |
75727463 | garrulous | loquacious, wordy | |
75727464 | glacial | like a glacier, cold | |
75727465 | glutton | someone who eats too much | |
75727466 | gratify | please | |
75727467 | gratuitous | given freely | |
75727468 | gravity | seriousness | |
75727469 | gregarious | sociable | |
75727470 | guile | deceit | |
75727471 | gullible | easily deceived | |
75727472 | hackneyed | commonplace, trite | |
75727473 | hamper | obstruct | |
75727474 | hardy | sturdy | |
75727475 | haughtiness | arrogance | |
75727476 | hedonist | one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life | |
75727477 | heresy | opinion contrary to popular belief or religion | |
75727478 | hierarchy | arrangement by rank, authoritarian body divided into ranks | |
75727479 | homogeneous | of the same kind | |
75727480 | hypocritical | pretending to be virtuous, deceiving | |
75727481 | hypothetical | supposed | |
75727482 | iconoclastic | attacking cherished traditions | |
75727483 | idiosyncrasy | individual trait odd in nature, eccentricity | |
75727484 | ignominy | deep disgrace | |
75727485 | illicit | illegal | |
75727486 | illusory | deceptive | |
75727487 | immutable | unchangeable | |
75727488 | impair | injure | |
75727489 | impeccable | faultless | |
75727490 | impecunious | without money | |
75727491 | impede | hinder, block, delay | |
75727492 | implausible | unlikely | |
75727493 | implement | put into effect | |
75727494 | impregnable | invulnerable | |
75727495 | impudence | rude | |
75727496 | inadvertently | unintentionally | |
75727497 | inane | silly | |
75727498 | incidental | not essential | |
75727499 | incisive | cutting | |
75727500 | incite | arouse to action | |
75727501 | inclusive | tending to include all | |
75727502 | incongruous | not fitting | |
75727503 | inconsequential | insignificant | |
75727504 | incontrovertible | indisputable | |
75727505 | incorrigible | not correctable | |
75727506 | indefatigable | tireless | |
75727507 | indict | charge | |
75727508 | indifferent | uncaring, mediocre | |
75727509 | indiscriminate | choosing at random | |
75727510 | indolent | lazy | |
75727511 | induce | persuade, bring about | |
75727512 | ineffable | unutterable | |
75727513 | inert | inactive | |
75727514 | inexorable | relentless, unyielding | |
75727515 | ingenious | clever | |
75727516 | inherent | firmly established by nature or habit | |
75727517 | innate | inborn | |
75727518 | innocuous | harmless | |
75727519 | innovation | change, something new | |
75727520 | insipid | lacking in flavor | |
75727521 | insolvent | bankrupt | |
75727522 | instigate | urge, start, provoke | |
75727523 | insularity | narrow-mindedness, isolation | |
75727524 | insuperable | unbeatable | |
75727525 | integrity | uprightness, wholeness, honesty | |
75727526 | intervene | come between | |
75727527 | intimidate | frighten | |
75727528 | intractable | unruly, stubborn | |
75727529 | intrepid | fearless | |
75727530 | inundate | overwhelm | |
75727531 | invert | turn upside down or inside out | |
75727532 | ironic | resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome | |
75727533 | irreproachable | blameless | |
75727534 | jocular | said or done in jest | |
75727535 | labyrinth | maze | |
75727536 | laconic | brief and to the point | |
75727537 | laggard | slow | |
75727538 | lament | grieve | |
75727539 | lampoon | ridicule | |
75727540 | lassitude | languor, weariness | |
75727541 | laud | praise | |
75727542 | lavish | generous, extravagant | |
75727543 | lethargic | drowsy, dull | |
75727544 | levity | lack of seriousness | |
75727545 | linger | loiter or dawdle | |
75727546 | listless | no spirit or energy | |
75727547 | lithe | flexible | |
75727548 | lofty | very high |