SAT Attitude Words Vocab Flashcards
My SAT attitude vocab words
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73517088 | awe | terror, dread, wonder, inspiring | |
73517089 | aloof | at a distance; in sympathy, interest, etc... | |
73517090 | ambivalence | simultaneous conflicting feelings (love & hate) | |
73517091 | amiable | good-natured, friendly, lovable | |
73517092 | antithesis | contrast or opposition of thoughts | |
73517093 | apathetic | feeling no emotion, not interested, indifferent | |
73517094 | apologetic | showing realization of and regret for a fault | |
73517095 | apprehensive | anxious or fearful about the future | |
73517096 | argumentative | apt to argue, controversial, contentious | |
73517097 | arrogant | full of unwarranted pride and self importance, proud | |
73517098 | assurance | confidence, certainty, guarantee, insurance | |
73517099 | authoritative | having or showing authority, fond of giving orders | |
73517100 | bewilderment | confusion, puzzlement, befuddlement | |
73517101 | callousness | lacking pity, unfeeling, insensitive | |
73517102 | candid | free from prejudice, fair, just, impartial, honest | |
73517103 | censorious | harshly critical, inclined to find fault | |
73517104 | compassionate | feeling or showing sympathy, pity, etc... | |
73517105 | complacent | self-satisfied, smug | |
73517106 | conciliatory | tending to pacify, soothe the anger of, to win over | |
73517107 | condescending | to deal with others in a patronizing manner, stoop | |
73517108 | consent | to agree, approval, permission | |
73517109 | contemplative | one who meditates, looks at carefully, studies | |
73517110 | contemptuous | scornful, full of contempt (scorn, disrespect) | |
73517111 | contradictory | inconsistent, inclined to deny or contradict | |
73517112 | cordial | stimulating, warm and friendly, sincere: to the heart | |
73517113 | cynical | sarcastic, sneering, denying actions as sincere | |
73517114 | defensive | defending, constantly feeling under attack | |
73517115 | defiance | bold resistance to authority or opposition, challenge | |
73517116 | derision | contempt, scorn, or ridicule, made fun of | |
73517117 | derogatory | belittling, disparaging, detracting | |
73517118 | despairing | hopeless, feeling or showing loss of hope | |
73517119 | detached | not involved by emotion, aloof, impartial | |
73517120 | devoutness | earnest, sincere, heartfelt, very religious, pious | |
77298560 | didactic | morally instructive, boringly moralistic | |
77298561 | disdain | aloof contempt or scorn, to treat as unworthy | |
77298562 | disjointed | dismembered, disconnected, without unity or coherence | |
77298563 | disparaging | discredit, belittle, show disrespect for | |
77298564 | dispassionate | free from passion, emotion, or bias; impartial | |
77298565 | dogmatic | stating opinion in a positive or arrogant manner | |
77298566 | domineering | arrogant, overbearing, tyrannical, masterful | |
77298567 | dubious | ambiguous, causing doubt, vague, questionable, skeptical | |
77298568 | ecstatic | being overpowered by emotion, joy, grief, passion | |
77298569 | esteem | to value highly, respect, appreciate, regard | |
77298570 | endorsement | the act of approval to, support, sanction | |
77298571 | exasperation | great irritation or annoyance, aggravation | |
77298572 | facetious | joking at an inappropriate time, witty | |
77298573 | fanatical | overly zealous, enthusiastic, etc... | |
77298574 | fatalism | the belief that all events are determined by fate and are hence inevitable | |
77298575 | flippant | talkative, disrespectful | |
77298576 | frustration | baffled, defeated, to prevent from achieving an objective | |
77298577 | grudging | to envy and resent, strong feeling of hostility, malice | |
77298578 | hypocrisy | a pretense, piety, pretending to be what one is not | |
77298579 | indifferent | unbiased, impartial, apathetic, having no interest | |
77298580 | indignant | feeling or expressing anger or scorn at unjust action | |
77298581 | indulgent | kind or lenient, inclined to yield to or satisfy | |
77299047 | ineffectual | not producing the desired effect | |
77299048 | ineptitude | the quality of being inept (inefficient, clumsy, unfit, bungling, not suitable to the purpose) | |
77299049 | innovative | creating something new | |
77299050 | inquisitive | eager to learn, inclined to ask many questions, curious | |
77299051 | insatiable | very greedy, always wanting more, cannot be satisfied | |
77301015 | inspirational | inspiring, that which causes an inspiration, motivating | |
77301016 | intangible | that cannot be touched or defined, formulated, grasped | |
77301017 | ironic | directly opposite to what is or might be expected | |
77301018 | irrelevant | not to the point, not relating to the subject | |
77301019 | jovial | full of good humor, genial, gay, jolly, hearty | |
77301020 | loathing | intense dislike, disgust, hatred, abhorrence | |
77301021 | magnanimous | noble, high-souled, rising above pettiness | |
77301022 | melodramatic | sensational, violent, and extravagantly emotional | |
77301023 | mockery | ridicule; a false imitation | |
77301024 | naive | foolishly simple, childlike, artless, unsophisticated | |
77301025 | narrative | like the telling of a story, account, tale | |
77301026 | nonconformity | lack of agreement or harmony, not following established views | |
77301027 | noncommittal | not revealing one's position or purpose, having no definite quality or meaning | |
77301028 | nostalgic | a longing to go back to something long ago or far away | |
77301029 | objectivity | no bias or prejudice | |
77301030 | opportunism | the practice of one's actions, judgments, etc., without the regard for basic principles or consequences | |
77301031 | optimism | looking on the bright side, positive views | |
77301032 | overstated | exaggerate, to give an extravagant account of | |
77301033 | patronizing | supporting, condescending | |
77301034 | pedantic | person who puts unnecessary stress on minor points | |
77484224 | pedestrian | ordinary, dull, lacking imagination or interest | |
77484225 | pomposity | self-importance, ostentation, quality of being pompous | |
77484226 | pretentious | making explicit claims, ostentatious, showy | |
77484227 | prosaic | commonplace, dull and ordinary | |
77484228 | prudish | too modest or proper | |
77484229 | reflective | meditative, thoughtful, pensive | |
77484230 | reserved | self-restraint, withdrawn in speech and manner, silent | |
77532359 | reverence | a feeling of deep respect, love, for something sacred, veneration | |
77532360 | resignation | passive acceptance, to give up, abdicate, surrender | |
77532361 | restrained | held back from action, suppressed, deprived, limited | |
77532362 | rhetorical | showy and elaborate in style | |
77532363 | rudimentary | basic | |
77532364 | ruthless | pitiless, cruel; without compassion, sorrow, grief | |
77532365 | sarcasm | a sneering, cutting, or caught remark, gibe or jeer | |
77532366 | satirical | sarcastic | |
77532367 | sentimental | having/showing, tender, gentle, or delicate feelings | |
77532368 | scornful | full of contempt, despise | |
77532369 | short-sighted | having or showing a lack of foresight | |
77532370 | sketchily | not detailed, lacking completeness, rough, inadequate | |
77532371 | solicitous | showing care, attention, or concern | |
77532372 | solemn | serious, grave, deeply earnest, very impressive | |
77532373 | speculative | uncertainty, risky, meditation | |
77532374 | subjective | resulting from feelings |