Compiled SAT Words Flashcards
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1042603572 | Reserve | Cautious; Quiet | |
1042603573 | Theatricality | Flamboyant; Showy | |
1042603574 | Indispensable | Crucial; Very Important | |
1042603575 | Baneful | Hateful; Troubling | |
1042603576 | Expeditious | Efficient; Time-Saving | |
1042603577 | Convoluted | Overly Complicated | |
1042603578 | Antiquated | Very Old | |
1042603579 | Tempered | Moderate; Controlled | |
1042603580 | Docile | Obedient; Well Behaved | |
1042603581 | Infallible | Perfect; Incapable of being wrong | |
1042603582 | Compromised | Damaged; Negatively Affected | |
1042603583 | Doggedness | Persistence | |
1042603584 | Dispelled | Proved as false | |
1042603585 | Vacillation | Going back and forth (usually between a decision) | |
1042603586 | Feasible | Possible; Do-able | |
1042603587 | Hitherto | Previously | |
1042603588 | Unsightly | Ugly | |
1042603589 | Wary | Cautious | |
1042603590 | Upheld | Continued; Confirmed | |
1042603591 | Disgruntled | Upset; Displeased | |
1042603592 | Stymied | Stopped; Thwarted | |
1042603593 | Obscure | To Cover; To Hide | |
1042603594 | Spurious | False; Harmful | |
1042603595 | Distort | To give a false or misleading account of; Misrepresent | |
1042603596 | Wrenching | Upsetting | |
1042603597 | Ennobling | Making feel noble | |
1042603598 | Multifaceted | Having many sides or types | |
1042603599 | Affinity | Fondness or Attraction | |
1042603600 | Convictions | Strong Beliefs | |
1042603601 | Dissent | To Disagree or Rebel | |
1042603602 | Paradigm | A model or way of looking at things | |
1042603603 | Zenith | Highest Point | |
1042603604 | Fiasco | Out of control situation; Disaster | |
1042603605 | Periphery | The outside or the boundary | |
1042603606 | Epitome | Perfect Example | |
1042603607 | Prophetic | Telling or predicting the future | |
1042603608 | Provincial | Simple; Rustic; Unsophisticated | |
1042603609 | Expatriate | A person no longer living in their country of origin | |
1042603610 | Depravities | Evil or Immoral Characteristics | |
1042603611 | Wayward | Immoral or Poorly Behaved | |
1042603612 | Exemplary | Perfect Example | |
1042603613 | Merits | Good Characteristics | |
1042603614 | Kudos | Praise or Complements | |
1042603615 | Indictments | Accusations | |
1050574990 | Viable | Feasible; Successful | |
1050574991 | Rousing | Stirring; Exciting | |
1050574992 | Pedestrian | Ordinary or Normal | |
1050574993 | Unprecedented | Never having happened before | |
1050574994 | Derivative | Taken from something else | |
1050574995 | Inept | Incapable or Clumsy | |
1050574996 | Haughty | Arrogant; Looking down on others | |
1050574997 | Jubilant | Overjoyed | |
1050574998 | Supercilious | Looking down on others | |
1050574999 | Pugnacious | Belligerent; Ready to fight | |
1050575000 | Indigence | Poverty | |
1050575001 | Perfidy | Dishonesty; Decietfulness | |
1050575002 | Aspersion | An Insult | |
1050575003 | Unintelligible | Incomprehensible | |
1050575004 | Erroneous | Wrong | |
1227852019 | Ironic | Using something for its opposite meaning, typically for humorous or emphatic effect | |
1227852020 | Founder | To collapse; To fail; To cave in or sink | |
1227852021 | Dispassionate | Not influenced by strong emotion, so able to be rational and impartial | |
1227852022 | Insubstantial | Lacking strength and solidity | |
1227852023 | Indignant | Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment | |
1227852024 | Tenable | Provable, Supportable | |
1227852025 | Delusion | A false belief or opinion | |
1227852026 | Substantiated | Supported with proof or evidence; verified | |
1227852027 | Impugned | To attack as false; Challenge an argument | |
1227852028 | Mollified | Calmed; Pacified | |
1227852029 | Flotsam | The wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea | |
1227852030 | Reconnaissance | An inspection or exploration of an area usually made by the military. | |
1227852031 | Decimation | Extensive Destruction | |
1227852032 | Raiment | Clothing, Garments | |
1227852033 | Sustenance | Something that provides nourishment; Food needed to live | |
1227852034 | Churlish | Lacking politeness, rude | |
1227852035 | Laconic | Brief; Using words | |
1227852036 | Mercurial | Quick, shrewd and unpredictable | |
1227852037 | Disingenuous | Insincere, not genuine | |
1227852038 | Implacable | Unable to be calmed down or made peaceful | |
1227852039 | Phlegmatic | Slow-moving; Sluggish; Unemotional | |
1227852040 | Dismayed | Discouraged; Struck with fear | |
1227852041 | Emphatic | Forcibly expressive; Expressed with emphasis | |
1227852042 | Animate | Alive | |
1227852043 | Invaluable | Too valuable to measure; priceless | |
1227852044 | Deft | Skillful, Nimble | |
1227852045 | Languid | Lacking energy; indifferent; slow | |
1227852046 | Resilient | Able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly | |
1227852047 | Drooping | Hanging down; losing strength; becoming weak | |
1227852048 | Callous | Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others | |
1227852049 | Impetuous | Acting suddenly without thought | |
1227852050 | Veiled | Concealed or disguised | |
1227852051 | Inclusive | Complete or comprehensive | |
1227852052 | Verbose | Excessively wordy | |
1227852053 | Mundane | Common, ordinary, everyday | |
1227852054 | Edifying | Providing moral or intellectual instruction | |
1227852055 | Succinct | Brief, concise and clearly expressed | |
1227852056 | Provocative | Provoking discussion; stimulating controversy; Arousing a reaction | |
1227852057 | Prognosis | A prediction of the chance of recovery or survival from a disease | |
1227852058 | Retrenchment | Curtailment; reduction; retreat to reassess | |
1227852059 | Preeminence | The fact of surpassing all others; superiority | |
1227852060 | Effusive | Emotionally excessive; Overly demonstrative; gushing | |
1227852061 | Incorrigible | Not able to be corrected; beyond control | |
1227852063 | Tenuous | Having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak | |
1227852065 | Ineffable | Incapable of being expressed in words | |
1227852066 | Intrinsic | Belonging naturally; essential | |
1227852068 | Constituent | Being a part of a whole | |
1227852070 | Enigma | A puzzle or mystery | |
1227852072 | Lush | Growing luxuriantly | |
1227852073 | Gaudy | Flashy; Showy | |
1227852075 | Misnomer | An unsuitable or misleading name | |
1227852077 | Stringent | Strict, severe; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling | |
1227852078 | Obtrusive | Noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way | |
1227852079 | Divisive | Causing conflict, opposition | |
1227852081 | Bucolic | Having to do with country life or farms | |
1227852083 | Prolific | Abundantly productive; abundant, profuse | |
1227852084 | Lugubrious | Sorrowful; Mournful; Dismal | |
1227852085 | Sundry | Various; Miscellaneous | |
1227852086 | Remonstrance | Protest; objection | |
1227852087 | Erudition | Deep, extensive learning | |
1227852088 | Lassitude | A state of diminished energy | |
1227852089 | Fabrication | The making or creation of something | |
1227852090 | Chicanery | Deception by trickery or sophistry (usually politically or financially) | |
1227852091 | Pedagogy | The art of profession of training, teaching or instructing | |
1227852092 | Foisted | Impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on | |
1227852093 | Deify | Worship, regard, or treat as a god | |
1227852094 | Garishly | In a showy, gaudy way | |
1227852095 | Reconcile | Restore friendly relations between | |
1227852096 | Facetious | Joking (often inappropriately); Humorous | |
1227852097 | Scrutiny | Critical observation or examination | |
1227852098 | Lax | Not sufficiently strict or careful; relaxed (limbs or muscles) | |
1227852099 | Anatomy | Science concerned with the structure of humans, animals and other living organisms. |