SAT - testmasters frequently missed Flashcards
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487358877 | outspokenness | free or unreserved in speech | |
487358878 | equanimity | quality of being calm and even tempered | |
487358879 | interminable | endlessly or tirelessly long | |
487358880 | intractable | difficult to manage or govern | |
487358881 | munificence | great generosity | |
487358882 | serendipity | making fortunate discoveries by accident | |
487358883 | platitude | a cliche or unoriginal statement or idea | |
487358884 | vindication | the act of clearing accusation, blame, suspicion w/ appropriate evidence | |
487358885 | diatribe | a bitter, abusive, denunciation | |
487358886 | austerity | a severe or rigid economy | |
487358888 | mendacity | untruthfulness | |
487358889 | obstreperous | resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly | |
487358890 | voracious | consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food | |
487358891 | castigate | to inflict severe punishment on | |
487358892 | rectitude | moral uprightness | |
491925089 | indefatigible | Not yielding readily to fatigue; tireless | |
491925090 | elegiac | Of the nature of an elegy; sad. | |
491925091 | dilettante | A person whose interest in a subject is merely superficial or for amusement; an amateur. | |
600342121 | filch | to steal, pilfer. | |
600342122 | facetious | witty, comical, jocular. | |
600342123 | perusal | reading | |
600342124 | querulous | full of complaints | |
600342125 | actuate | motivated | |
600342126 | laconic | few words | |
600342127 | inexorable | remorseless | |
600342128 | earnest | depth and SINCERITY of feeling | |
600342129 | self effacing | humility...make yourself not as important, put yourself in the background | |
600342130 | audacious | brave, daring, bold! | |
600342131 | ennoble | to rank, excellence, or respect | |
600342132 | forgo | to GIVE UP! loser | |
600342133 | iterate | to repeat!!! (re-iterate is a SYNONYM) | |
600342134 | appointed | equipped, furnished | |
600342135 | sophomoric | intellectually pretentious but actually immature | |
600342136 | scintillating | exciting! animated, vivacious, brilliantly clever | |
600342137 | remuneration | reimbursement/re compensation for something done | |
600342138 | cogent | to the point, clear, convincing | |
600342139 | cloying | too much of a good thing. neg connotation (overly sweet, sentimental, etc) | |
600342140 | consolidate | to unite! ---><--- | |
600342141 | motley | many different varieties | |
600342142 | excised | to cut out | |
600342143 | disillusioned | disappointed | |
600342144 | aberration | a deviation from the expected course | |
600342145 | truculence | harshness and aggressive self assertion | |
600342146 | encompass | to enclose, encircle, surround | |
600342147 | coalition | combination or alliance | |
600342148 | pedagogical | educational | |
600342149 | winnow | to sort out | |
600342150 | vagrant | hobo | |
600342151 | exultation | lively or triumphant joy | |
600342152 | forbearance | self control or not collecting a payment that's due | |
600342153 | tawdry | gaudy/showy, cheap | |
600342154 | condolatory | CONDOLE, to express sympathy | |
600342155 | unilateral | involving one side only | |
600342156 | beguiling | charming or diverting attention (secondary meaning) | |
600342157 | solicitous | anxiously worried, concerned | |
600342158 | sordid | base, vile | |
600342159 | lurid | gruesome, revolting | |
600342160 | marginalize | to make not important | |
600342161 | endearing | evoking affection, beloved | |
600342162 | presage | presentiment, foreboding | |
600342163 | harbingers | think "bringers". foreshadows an event | |
600342164 | celerity | SPEED! | |
600342165 | impunity | immunity from punishment or detrimental action | |
600342526 | inveterate | characterized by habit | |
600342527 | indelible | unable to be erased or removed | |
600342528 | ostensible | CONSPICUOUS | |
600342529 | chary | cautious | |
600342530 | interminable | monotonous, boring, same thing over and over again | |
600342531 | scurrilous | acting like buffoons, coarsely jocular | |
600342532 | untenable | indefensible! | |
600526520 | sanctimonious | a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, etc. | |
600849091 | invocation | an appeal to | |
600849092 | quotidian | everyday, commonplace |