Key Figures in European Intellectual History Flashcards
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763829784 | Niccolo Machiavelli | (1469-1527) Renaissance political philosopher who wrote "The Prince". Believed that people are ungrateful and untrustworthy. Urged rulers to study war, avoid unnecessary kindness, and always base policy upon the principle that the end justifies the means. | |
763829785 | Desiderius Erasmus | (1466-1536) Northern humanist who wrote "In Praise of Folly". Wrote in Latin while most humanist wrote in vernacular. Wanted to reform the Catholic Church, not destroy it. | |
763829786 | Martin Luther | (1483-1546) Protestant reformer whose criticism of indulgences helped spark the Reformation. Advocated salvation by faith, the authority of the bible, and a priesthood of all believers. Believed that Christian women should strive to become models of wifely obedience and Christian charity. | |
763829787 | John Calvin | (1509-1564) Protestant reformer who wrote "The Institutes of the Christian Religion". Believed in the absolute omnipotence of God, the weakness of humanity, and the doctrine of predestination. Established Geneva as a model Christian community. Influenced Followers who were known as Huguenots (France), Presbyterians (Scotland), or Puritans (England). Advocated that each local congregation have a ruling body composed of both ministers and laymen who carefully supervised the moral conduct of the faithful. | |
763829788 | Michel de Montaigne | (1533-1592) French Renaissance writer who developed the essay as a literally genre. Known for his skeptical attitude and willingness to look at all sides of an issue. | |
763829789 | Nicolaus Copernicus | (1473-1543) Polish clergymen and astronomer who wrote "On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres". Helped launch the Scientific Revolution by challenging the widespread belief in the geocentric theory. Offered a new heliocentric universe in which the Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. | |
763829790 | Johannes Kepler | (1571-1630) Began his career as an assistant to the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. Formulated three laws of planetary motion. Proved that planetary orbits are elliptical rather than circular. | |
765468281 | Galileo Galilei | (1564-1642) Italian Scientist (from the Papal States) who contributed to the scientific method by conduction controlled experiments. Major accomplishments included using the telescope for popularizing the new scientific ideas. Considered by the Inquisition for publicly advocating heliocentric theory. | |
765468283 | Isaac Newton | (1642-1727) English Scientist and mathematician who wrote the "Principia". Viewed the universe as a cast machine governed by the universal laws of gravity and inertia. Mechanistic view of the universe strongly influenced deism. | |
765468285 | Francis Bacon | (1561-1626) English politician and writer. Formalized the empirical method into a general theory of inductive reasoning known as empiricism. (Not to be confused with Logical Empiricism of the 1900s). | |
765468287 | Rene Descartes | (1596-1650) French philosopher and mathematician. Used deductive reasoning from self-evident principles to reach scientific laws. | |
765468289 | Thomas Hobbes | (1588-1679) English political philosopher who wrote "Leviathan". Viewed human beings as naturally self centered and prone to violence. Feared the dangers of anarchy more than the dangers of tyranny. Argued that monarchs have absolute and unlimited political authority. | |
765468290 | John Locke | (1632-1704) English philosopher who wrote "The Second Treatise of Government". Viewed humans as basically rational beings who learn from experience. Formulated the theory of natural rights, arguing that people are born with basic rights to "life, liberty, and property". Insisted that government are formed to protect natural rights. Stated that the governed have a right to rebel against rulers who violate natural rights. | |
765468291 | Voltaire | (1694-1778) French philosophe and voluminous author of essays and letters. Championed the enlightened principles of reason, progress, toleration, and individual liberty. Opposed superstition, intolerance, and ignorance. Criticized organized religion for perpetuation superstition and intolerance. | |
765468292 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | (1712- 1778) Enlightened thinker best known for writing "The Social Contract" & "Emile". Believed that since "law is the expression of the general will," the state is based on social contract. Emphasized the education of the whole person for citizenship. Rejected excessive rationalism and stressed emotions, thus anticipating the romantic movement. | |
765468293 | Adam Smith | (1723-1790) Scottish economist who wrote "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations". Opposed mercantilist policies. Advocated free rated and "the Invisible Hand of competition" | |
765468294 | Mary Wollstonecraft | (1759-1797) British writer, philosopher, and feminist who wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." Argued that women are not naturally inferior to men. Maintained that women deserve the same fundamental rights as men. | |
765468295 | Edmund Burke | (1729-1797) English conservative leader who wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France. Denounced the radicalism and violence in France. Favored gradual and orderly change. | |
765468296 | John Stuart Mill | (1806-1873) English Utilitarian and essayist best known for writing "On Liberty and The Subjection of Women". Advocated women's rights and endorsed universal suffrage. | |
766040215 | Karl Marx | (1818-1883) Scientific socialist who coauthored "The Communist Manifesto". Believed that the history of class conflict is best understood through the dialectical process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Contended that a class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would lead "to the dictatorship of the proletariat" which in turn would be a transitional phase leading to a classless society. | |
766040216 | Charles Darwin | (1809-1882) British biologist who wrote "The Origin of Species". Challenged the idea of special creation by proposing a revolutionary theory of biological evolution. Concluded that every living plant and animal takes part in a constant "struggle of existence" in which only the "fittest" survive. Argued that the fittest are determined by a process of natural selection | |
766040217 | Sigmund Freud | (1856-1939) Austrian psychologist who formulated groundbreaking theories of human personality. Theorized that the human psyche contains three distinct parts: (1) the id, the center of unconscious sexual & aggressive drive; (2) the super ego, which is the center of moral values; (3) the ego, which is the center of pragmatic reason. Argued that human behavior is often irrational. | |
766040218 | Albert Einstein | (1879-1955) German physicist whose theory of special relativity undermined Newtonian physics. Challenged tradition conceptions of time, space, and motion. contributed to the view that humans live in a universe with uncertainties. Added to the feeling of uncertainty in the post-war world. | |
766040219 | Friedrich Nietzsche | (1844-1900) German philosopher whose writings influenced existentialism. Expressed contempt for middle-class morality, saying that it led to a false and shallow existence. Rejected reason and embraced the irrational. Believed that the "will-to-power" of a few heroic "supermen" could successfully reorder the world. | |
766040220 | Albert Camus & Jean-Paul Sarte | (1913-1960)(1905-1980) French existentialist philosophers and writers. Questioned the efficacy of reason and science to understand the human situation. Believed that God, reason, and progress are myths, and that humans live in a hostile world, alone and isolated. |