Chapter 18 Voc.
World History [1]
Europe [2]
Feudalism [3]
House of Romanov [5]
Russian Empire [6]
Boyar [8]
Ivan the Terrible [10]
Pugachev's Rebellion [11]
Peter the Great [12]
Cossacks [13]
Chapter 18 Notes I. Introduction A. Land empire created between 1450-1750 1. Involved limited commercial exchange 2. Altered balance of power Asia/Europe 3. Expanded eastward into Asia B. Link to Eastern Europe 1. Some regional kingdoms 2. Conflict with Poland and Lithuania C. Changes of nation 1. Sense of separate identity 2. Reaction to Western influence ? accept it, select from it, shun it II. Russia?s Expansionist Politics Under the Tsars First step ? Break free from Mongol control Moscow princes strong as tax collectors Ivan III ? Ivan the Great ? large army ? 1462 frees chunk Utilized support for Orthodox Church Played off nationalism 1480 totally freed of Mongol control Need for Revival Basic Russian Values Under Mongols