american pagent ch 29&30 vocab
US History [1]
Diana Chetnik 1-3-14 CH 29&30 vocab PERIOD 7 Chapter 29 ?Yellow Press?- (?yellow journalism?) Established by Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. It influenced overseas expansion. Our Country: It?s Possible Future and Its Present Crisis- Reverend Josiah Strong influenced missionaries to expand overseas by speaking about civilizing and Christianizing savages in this novel. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783- Book by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan in 1890 that argued that every successful nation had a great navy, and started a naval race among the great powers and moving the U.S. to naval supremacy. ?Big Sister? policy- Sought for better relations with Latin America and was established by James G. Blaine.