Psychology: Themes and Variations Chapter 16 Vocab Flashcards
Social Behavior
on pages 632 to 675
Terms : [1]
887989579 | Social Psychology | The branch of psychology concerned with the way individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others. | |
887989580 | Person perception | The process of forming impressions of others. | |
887989581 | Social schemas | Organized clusters of ideas about categories of social events and people. | |
887989582 | Stereotypes | Widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group. | |
887989583 | Illusory correlation | When people estimate that they have encountered more confirmations of an association between social traits than they have actually seen. | |
887989584 | Ingroup | A group that one belongs to and identifies with. | |
887989585 | Outgroup | A group that one does not belong to or identify with. | |
887989586 | Attributions | Inferences that people draw about the causes of events, others' behavior, and their own behavior. | |
887989587 | Internal attributions | Ascribes the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings. | |
887989588 | External attributions | Ascribes the causes of behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints. | |
887989589 | Fundamental attribution error | Observers' bias in favor of internal attributions in explaining others' behavior. | |
893377613 | Defensive attribution | A tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way. | |
893377614 | Self-serving bias | The tendency to attribute one's successes to personal factors and one's failures to situational factors. | |
893377615 | Individualism | Putting personal goals ahead of group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group memberships. | |
893377616 | Collectivism | Putting group goals ahead of personal goals, and defining one's identity in terms of the groups one belongs to. | |
893377617 | Interpersonal attraction | Positive feelings toward another. | |
893377618 | Matching hypothesis | Males and females of approximately equal physical attractiveness are likely to select each other as partners. | |
896626833 | Reciprocity | Liking those who show that they like you. | |
893377619 | Passionate love | A complete absorption in another that includes tender sexual feelings and the agony and ecstasy of intense emotions. | |
893377620 | Companionate love | A warm, trusting, tolerant affection for another whose life is deeply intertwined with one's own. | |
893377621 | Intimacy | Warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship. | |
893377622 | Commitment | An intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise. | |
893377623 | Attitudes | Positive or negative evaluations of objects of thought. | |
893377624 | Source | The person who sends a communication. | |
893377625 | Receiver | The person to whom the message is sent. | |
896625739 | Message | The information transmitted by the source. | |
896625740 | Channel | The medium through which the message is sent. | |
901662813 | Cognitive dissonance | When related cognitions are inconsistent - that is, when they contradict each other. | |
896625741 | Conformity | When people yield to real or imagined social pressure. | |
896625742 | Obediance | A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority. | |
896625743 | Social roles | Widely shared expectations about how people in certain positions are supposed to behave. | |
896625744 | Group | Two or more individuals who interact and are interdependent. | |
896625745 | Bystander effect | People are less likely to provide needed help when they are in groups than when they are alone. | |
896625746 | Social loafing | A reduction in effort by individuals when they work in groups as compared to when they work by themselves. | |
896625747 | Group polarization | When group discussion strengthens a group's dominant point of view and produces a shift toward a more extreme decision in that direction. | |
896625748 | Groupthink | When members of a cohesive group emphasize concurrence at the expense of critical thinking in arriving at a decision. | |
896625749 | Group cohesiveness | The strength of the liking relationships linking group members to each other and to the group itself. | |
896625750 | Prejudice | A negative attitude held towards members of a group. | |
896625751 | Discrimination | Behaving differently, usually unfairly, toward the members of a group. | |
896625752 | Foot-in-the-door technique | Getting people to agree to a small request to increase the chances that they will agree to a larger request later. | |
896625753 | Reciprocity norm | The rule that we should pay back in kind what we receive from others. | |
896625754 | Lowball technique | Getting someone to commit an attractive proposition before its hidden costs are revealed. |