Human Geo ch. 11
Human Geography [1]
Debt [3]
Infant mortality [5]
Business [7]
Technology [8]
Productivity [9]
Economic indicator [10]
economics [11]
Social Issues [12]
Isaiah Bennett p.1 3/5/13 Ch.9 K.I 1 Economic Indicator of development United Nation selects one economic factor, two social factors, and one demographic factor that in the opinion of a international team The economic factor is gross domestic product (GDP) The social factor are the literacy rate and amount of education? The demographic factors life expectancy Gross Domestic Per Capita Average individual earns a much higher income in an MDX than in an LDC, Per capita income is a difficult figure to obtain in many countries, so to get a example of average incomes in various, geographers Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Is the value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country Types of Jobs