Hitler's Rise to Power and Nazi Germany
US History [1]
Germany [2]
Modern history [3]
Nazism [4]
Politics [5]
Adolf Hitler [6]
Nazi Germany [7]
Antisemitism [8]
Mein Kampf [9]
Nazi propaganda [10]
Nazi Party [11]
Treaty of Versailles [12]
War [14]
Hitler and Germany Rachel Robinson Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany Hitler was an anticommunist Against the practices of communism, or a system of government in which a single party holds power and all goods are equally shared by the people Instead, he admired Mussolini and his practice of fascism, a belief that the nation is more important than the individual Individualism makes countries weak A strong government led by a dictator was needed to impose order on society A nation becomes great by expanding its territory and building its military Hitler and Mussolini Hitler?s Background and Rise to Power Fought for Germany in WWI Germany?s surrender and acceptance of the conditions outlined in the Treaty of Versailles hurt his pride and left him with a vengeance