Chapter 10
World History [1]
Feudalism [2]
middle ages [3]
Humanities [4]
sociology [5]
Charles Martel [8]
Serfdom [9]
Knight [10]
Crusades [11]
Manorialism [12]
religion [13]
Chapter 10 A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe I. Introduction A. Middle Ages ? Medieval 1. Gradual recovery from Rome?s collapse 2. Growing interaction with other societies B. Spread of religious beliefs 1. Most polytheistic converted from Christianity 2. Some continued to believe in magic/supernatural spirits C. Knowledge from trade/invaders 1. Tools for new crops 2. European paper factory 3. Arabs ? math, science, philosophy D. Took more from other nations than contributed ? one-sided trade E. Two Images 1. Prejudice toward Europe ? big, smelly, hairy lugs a. Newer to civilization b. Economy less advanced c. Manners less polished 2. Flashes of brilliance a. Thomas Aquinas ? sum up knowledge of man, God, nature