Afrthropod Coloring
Biology [1]
taxonomy [2]
Phyla [3]
Protostome [4]
Arthropods [5]
Insect anatomy [6]
Mandible [7]
Arachnid [9]
Insect [10]
Decapod anatomy [11]
Thorax [12]
Spider [13]
Arthropod Coloring Worksheet Arthropods (jointed appendages) are a group of invertebrate animals in the Kingdom Animalia. All arthropods have a hard exoskeleton made of chitin, a body divided into segments, and jointed appendages (mouthparts, antenna, and legs). Three main groups of the arthropods include the insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. What does arthropod mean? In what kingdom are arthropods found? Are they vertebrates or invertebrates? Why? (see textbook) List 3 characteristics of all arthropods. Name 3 main arthropod groups. Insects