Chapter 1 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio
Politics [3]
sociology [4]
Direct Democracy [5]
Democracy [6]
elections [7]
E-democracy [9]
Outline of democracy [10]
Legitimacy [12]
Government [13]
Samuel Choi CHAPTER ONE OUTLINE: THE STUDY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Introduction There are two main questions about government and politics. The two questions are, ?Who governs??, and, ?To what extent should the government rule?? People are concerned with who governs, because the ruler?s beliefs and values will affect the lives of normal citizens through the ruler?s laws. Because of this, people vote and participate in government in order to try and make a change in the government that will positively affect them. People are also concerned with what extent the government rules, because it shows how much and which parts of citizens? lives will be affected. What is Political Power?