Gruber Word List 1
English [1]
abase?to degrade abash?to embarrass abate?to decrease abattoir?a slaughterhouse abdicate?to give up aberration?a deviation abet?to aid abeyance?temporary suspension abhor?to detest abject?miserable abjure?to give up on oath ablution?washing the body abnegate?to renounce abominate?to loathe aboriginal?first; existing someplace since the beginning abort?to cut short abrade?to rub off abridge?to shorten abrogate?to cancel by authority abscond?to run away absolve?to free of guilt abstemious?moderate in eating and drinking abstract?a summary abstruse?hard to understand abut?to border on abysmal?bottomless; wretched accede?to take on the duties (of); to attain (to) acclivity?an upward slope accolade?a demonstration of honor