Gruber Word List 3
English [1]
Attachment [2]
City of London [3]
Civil procedure [4]
Ardor [5]
Aquiline nose [6]
Appurtenance [7]
Aplomb [8]
law [9]
anchorite?a recluse ancillary?serving as an aid animadversion?a critical comment animate?to bring to life animosity?hatred annals?yearly records anneal?to heat and then cool; to strengthen annuity?a yearly payment annul?to invalidate anomaly?an abnormality antediluvian?before the Biblical flood; very old anterior?toward the front anthropoid?resembling man antipathy?a strong dislike antipodes?exact opposites antithesis?opposite apathetic?indifferent aperture?an opening apex?a peak aphorism?an adage aplomb?self-possession; poise apocryphal?of doubtful authenticity apogee?the highest point apoplexy?sudden paralysis apostate?one who abandons his faith or cause apothecary?druggist apothegm?a saying apotheosis?deification