APUSH: American Pageant 13th Edition: Chapter 2 important concepts Flashcards
Chapter 2 Study Questions using the American Pageant 13th Edition textbook. For eleventh grade Advanced Placement
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1626158555 | Why did England NOT try to compete with Spain and establish an empire in N. America? | Because Spain was its ally at the century's beginning. (Pg: 25) | 0 | |
1626158556 | Explain how defeat of the Spanish Armada caused England to be prepared to colonize North America. | It marked the start of Spain's dream of imperialism crashing down. (Pg: 26) | 1 | |
1626158557 | What changes in Europe created 4 factors that led to English colonization? | Peace with Spain, population growth, and joint-stock companies. (Pg: 28) | 2 | |
1626158558 | Why is the charter of the Virginia Company so important? | It guaranteed that settlers from overseas would have the same rights as Englishmen back home. (Pg: 28) | 3 | |
1626158559 | How did John Smith save Jamestown? | By forcing the townspeople to work harder and to not be so gold-hungry. He used the saying 'He who shall not work shall not eat'. (Pg: 29) | 4 | |
1626158560 | What were the 'Irish Tactics' used by De La War? | Attacking Indian villages and destroying them. (Pg: 30) | 5 | |
1626158561 | How did the first Anglo-Powhatan war end? | In a peace treaty and the marriage of Pocahontas (an Indian princess) to John Rolfe (a colonist). (Pg: 30) | 6 | |
1626158562 | What happened in 1622 in Virginia? | The Indians, after eight years of fragile respite, finally fought back against the colonists. After a series of Indian attacks, 347 colonists were left dead. As a result, the Virginia Company called for attacks to limit the power and numbers of the Indian tribes. These attacks lowered Indian population and caused many of them to move futher westward. (Pg: 30) | 7 | |
1626158563 | What were the 3 D's that led to Powhatan's demise? | Disease, disorganization, and disposability. (Pg: 31) | 8 | |
1626158564 | What was the result of the second Anglo-Powhatan war? | The Indians were defeated again and with the peace treaty of 1646, the Chesapeake Indians were banished from their native lands and formally separated Indian and white lands. (Pg: 31) | 9 | |
1626158565 | How did English colonization disrupt Native American life positively and negatively? | Positive: bringing in horses and other animals, new lands, trade, firearms. Negative: forcing them to move, diseases, fighting (Pg: 31-32) | 10 | |
1626158566 | How was "King Nicotine" both Savior and Tyrant? | It built up Virginia's economy, but ruined the soil when planted continuously. (Pg: 32) | 11 | |
1626158567 | What is important about the year 1619? (2 things) | 1. A Dutch warship sold around 20 slaves. 2. A representative self-government was born in Virginia. (Pg: 33) | 12 | |
1626158568 | How is Maryland's founding ironic compared to what happened there? | It was founded as a refuge for Catholics, but more Protestants moved in than Catholics so they had to draw up the Toleration Act to make sure that Catholics would be able to freely worship even though they founded Maryland. (Pg: 34) | 13 | |
1626158569 | How were sugar and tobacco cultivation different? | Tobacco was the 'poor man's crop' as it could be easily planted and was simply processed whereas sugar was the 'rich man's crop' because it required extensive planting and strenuous processing. (Pg: 34) | 14 | |
1626158570 | What was the Barbados Code of 1661? | It denied slaves any rights and gave their masters complete control over them. (Pg: 35) | 15 | |
1626158571 | How did the Caribbean islands serve as a staging ground for the slave system in English North America? | By housing the first version of the Barbados system that was later brought to the colonies. (Pg: 36) | 16 | |
1626158572 | How is the settlement of Carolina linked to the Caribbean sugar islands? | Because the two had close economic ties and many Caribbeans emigrated to Carolina as settlers and developed a slave trade there. (Pg: 36) | 17 | |
1626158573 | How and why did slavery develop in Carolina? | By migrants from the English West Indies bringing in a new slave code because they needed workers for their sugar/rice plantations. (Pg: 36) | 18 | |
1626158574 | Why have North Carolinians been referred to as the "quintessence of Virginia's discontent"? | Because they were "squatters" without legal rights to the soil who raised their crops on small farms with little need for slaves. (Pg: 38) | 19 | |
1626158575 | For what purposed was the colony of Georgia settled? | As a buffer between Florida and the French and Carolina, and the be a haven for debtors, and it produced silk and wine. (Pg: 39) | 20 | |
1626158576 | Describe the distinctive features that are shared by the plantation colonies? | They are all exporters of agricultural products, slavery was prevalent, granted some religious toleration, and all were expansionary. (Pg: 39) | 21 |