chapter 4 bulliet
World History [1]
The Earth and Its Peoples 3rd edition Chapter 4 The Mediterranean and Middle East, 2000-500 B.C.E. Cover Slide Copyright ? Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Acropolis With Pheidias as adviser, Perikles reconstructed Athens after it had been destroyed by the Persians. He dreamed of a city with magnificent edifices, temples and public buildings, and theaters. These buildings embody the noblest spirit of Greek architecture. At the right rises the Parthenon, the temple that honored Athena and Athens alike. The Erechtheum stands next to it, and to its left the Propylaea and the small temple of Athena Nike. (Spyros Spyrou Photo Gallery, Aegina) Acropolis Copyright ? Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Ancient Peruvian textile