US History [1]
Irreconcilables [6]
Woodrow Wilson [9]
Fourteen Points [11]
League of Nations [12]
William Borah [13]
Politics [14]
Nicholas Natale As World War I came to an end, a generation had been lost throughout the world. In order for this atrocity to never happen again, President Woodrow Wilson created the Fourteen Points. He hoped it would be ?the war to end all wars.? Although the Treaty of Versailles incorporated many of his ideas, the President could not have the treaty ratified by Congress because of the Fourteenth Point. The League of Nations, which was to be an international organization for collective security, was Wilson?s dream. Although the liberal and conservative opposition forces challenged the League of Nations, it was President Wilson?s stubbornness that led to the total defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.