electric field
Physics [1]
ELECTRIC FIELD Lecture Notes www.highschoolphysics.net 1 ELECTROSTATICS What shall we learn? ? Electric field ? Electric potential 1. Structure of atoms An atom has (+) charged protons in the nucleus and (-) charged electrons revolving around the nucleus. ?Charge of proton? = ?Charge of electron? ?Neutral? means zero net charge. In neutral atom: number of protons=number of neutrons If atom takes electron it becomes minus charged; If atom gives electron it becomes plus charged. Protons are not transferred. 2. Unit of Charge: Charge ??????? is shown by Q or q. Unit of charge is ?Coulomb? (C, ??) 1 mC = 10-3 C (millicoulomb) 1 ?C = 10-6 C (microcoulomb) 1 nC = 10-9 C (nanocoulomb) Charge of electron (or proton) is called ?elementary