ap gov reviews
james madison [2]
Government [4]
law [5]
Supremacy Clause [7]
federalism [9]
commerce clause [10]
Randy Barnett [12]
Test 1 Ch. 1-3 Big Issues Fixing the Articles Classical Liberalism: It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property rights, and belief in laissez-faire economic liberalism Fear of Democracy: fear of mob rule Representation: power kept out of the people through Electoral College, no direct election of Senators, lifetime apt. of judges Slavery: 3/5 compromise P. 44 Economic Issues: regulate interstate commerce Individual Rights: prohibits suspension of the writ of habeas corpus(judge), prohibits Congress/states from passing bills of attainder, no ex post facto laws, no religious qualifications for office, strit rules for treason, trial by jury Voting: people only vote for house of reps Checks and balances:p.47