Chapter 21 The World Economy Flashcards
World Civilizations: The Global Experience (Pearson / 6th Edition)
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1081860592 | Potosi, Bolivia | Enormous vein of ore, biggest find of silver | 0 | |
1081860593 | Mita | Inca system of drafting workers for short stits, many miners of Potosi and other Spanish labor sites were conscripted by Mita. | 1 | |
1081860594 | Who exported silver? Who imported silver? | Spanish exported, allowing them to build massive armies and build new buildings. The rest of Europe imported, as well as the Philippines and CHINA AND INDIA, the largest recipients. ---> shows asian dynamism in new world economy | 2 | |
1081860595 | What did silver do to class? | Created a wider gap between rich and poor and harsher working conditions. | 3 | |
1081860596 | What empire frightened the West from expansion? | Ottoman Empire. | 4 | |
1081860597 | What technological advances were made that helped the western expansion? | Deep-draft round hulled ships, compasses, explosive, guns and cannons. | 5 | |
1081860598 | Cape of Good Hope | Where Portugese sailors ventured around to try to find India, represents the western desire for luxury and expansion to new worlds. | 6 | |
1081860599 | Henry the Navigator | Portugese Prince, organized a series of expeditions along the African coast and outward to islands such as the Azores. Brought back slaves, spices (pepper), stories of gold. | 7 | |
1081860600 | Vasco da Gama | Portugese, fleet of four ships reached India with the aid of Hindu pilot, thought Indians were Christians, (Hindu temples looked like churches), killed and tortured many Indian merchants because of his lack of attractive items for world trade. | 8 | |
1081860601 | Where did Portugal reach? | Colonized : Mozambique (East Africa), Goa (India), Philippines, Brazil, Bulk of Americas Found : Indonesia (center of spice), China (Macao), Japan | 9 | |
1081860602 | Christopher Columbus | Spanish explorer, blah blah | 10 | |
1081860603 | Ferdinand Magellan | Spanish explorer, past southern tip of South America, sailed across Pacific, reached Indonesia, claimed the Philippines | 11 | |
1081860604 | France Exploration | Crossed Atlantic reaching Canada (which they claimed), Great lakes and Mississippi Valley | 12 | |
1081860605 | British Exploration | Colonized the east coast of North America and Brazil for a time. | 13 | |
1081860606 | Dutch Exploration | Won independence from Spain, Holland became major competitor in southeast Asia. | 14 | |
1081860607 | Dutch East India Company | Government monopolies on trade of Taiwan and other southeast Asian countries | 15 | |
1081860608 | British East India Company | Similar role as the Dutch, traded furs with American counterparts. | 16 | |
1081860609 | Impact of Wider Exchange in a World Economy | Spread disease | 17 | |
1081860610 | Columbian Exchange of Disease and Food | -Native Americans died of smallpox and measles, (afro-eurasian disease), killed of half of population in North America, gave way to population increase of Westeners. -American corn and sweet potatoes to China (led to population increase), Mediterranean, Africa -30 % of foods consumed today come from American plant origin | 18 | |
1081860611 | Battle of Lepanto | Spanish fleet defeated the navy of the Ottoman Empire. Represented the setback of Muslim rivalry against European naval power | 19 | |
1081860612 | What did Europeans do when they could not have direct influence over a territory? | European influence led to the formation of special Western enclaves where Western traders won special legal rights (Ottomin Empire, Russia, Japan) | 20 | |
1081860613 | Core nations | England France and Holland supplemented their growing economic prowess by self - serving political policies. | 21 | |
1081860614 | Mercantilism | Doctrine that urges that a nation-state not import goods from outside its own empire but sell exports as widely as possible in its own ships; tariff policies discouraged manufacturing in colonial areas and stimulated home-based manufacturing. | 22 | |
1081860615 | Low cost goods produced in areas dependant to the core nations | metals, sugar, spice, tobacco, cotton, human labor came from these countries, and the core nations manufactured goods with these materials which they traded back. | 23 | |
1081860616 | Mestizos | (people of mixed European and Native American blood) Along with Native Americans, were demanded to provide provide large (unfair) amounts of labor | 24 | |
1081860617 | Vasco de Balboa | Established first real colony in Panama. Led to expansion in to more of central america, including aztecs | 25 | |
1081860618 | Francisco Pizarro | Violent and treacherous, joined Balboas colony, joined with an illiterate soldier and pries and mounted to failed expeditions. Gained Spanish support and attacked the divided Inca Empire, capturing Emperor Atahuallupa, accepted large ransom and then strangled him. | 26 | |
1081860619 | William Penn | Major proprietor that accepted government grants from England to lead explicit efforts to recruit settlers. | 27 | |
1081860620 | New France | In Canada, under Louis XIV. Manorial estates. (Partial replica of French Society), Britain attacked this and Quebec, causing 7 years war | 28 | |
1081860621 | Seven Years War | France lost its colony under the terms of the "Treaty of Paris". France regained its West Indian sugar islands and trading posts in Africa, while Britain took control of Canada and Mississippi Basin. Fought in Europe, India, and North America. | 29 | |
1081860622 | North America and Western Civilization | -Nuclear Families -American Colonists could marry slightly earlier -Followed everything European, including philosophy such as John Locke | 30 | |
1081860623 | Cape Colony | Planted by Dutch on the Cape of Good Hope to form another coastal station to supply Dutch ships bound for Asia. | 31 | |
1081860624 | Boers | (Dutch Farmers) sent to Cape Colony and fanned out in groups. Clashed with local African hunting groups (Bantu farmers especially, opening a long battle for control of southern Africa) | 32 | |
1081860625 | Calcutta | British East India Company station in Calcutta (India) through negotiation with local princes. Gave way to wealth from the Ganges valley. | 33 | |
1081860626 | Ceylon | (Sri Lanka) Island gained by British from the Dutch | 34 |