Chapter 27: Empire and Expansion Flashcards
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651044047 | "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" | Book by Alfred T. Mahan which argued that control of the sea wast he key to world dominance | 0 | |
651044048 | "big stick" | Teddy Roosevelt's use of military power for diplomatic reasons and foreign policy | 1 | |
651044049 | "Little Brown Brothers" | William H.Taft's belittling term of endearment for the Filipinos. | 2 | |
651044050 | "twisting the lion's tail" | Practice of bashing the British in a campaign to gain the Irish immigrant vote, also used during the land dipute between Venesuala and Great Britian. | 3 | |
651044051 | "White Man's Burden" | Idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized | 4 | |
651044052 | "yellow peril" | Phrase used for the 3% of Japanese population in California. | 5 | |
651044053 | Alfred Thayer Mahan | US Admiral who encouraged the US to strengthen its naval power to become a world power. | 6 | |
651044054 | Americanization | Assimilation of the American culture. | 7 | |
651044055 | Anti-Imperialist League | Group of anti-imperialists that advocated for isolationism | 8 | |
651044056 | arbitration | Settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider. | 9 | |
651044057 | atrocity | Act of cruelty and brutality | 10 | |
651044058 | bellicose | Inclined or eager to fight | 11 | |
651044059 | blue blood | Of noble or upper class descent | 12 | |
651044060 | Boxer Rebellion | Chinese rebellion against foreign influence which the U.S helped supress. | 13 | |
651044061 | Clayton-Bulwer Treaty | Treaty created in 1850 which provided that neither Britain or the US could have exclusive control of a future isthmian waterway in Central America. | 14 | |
651044062 | Dupuy de Lome | Spanish minister in Washington who criticized McKinley in a letter that was leaked to press and published by Hearst; forcing him to resign | 15 | |
651044063 | Elihu Root | US Secretary of War who established a General Staff and a War College. | 16 | |
651044064 | Emilio Aguinaldo | Filipino who was lead both the Phillipine revolution against Spain and then the United States | 17 | |
651044065 | Foraker Act | Act which gave the US direct control over and power to set up a government in Puerto Rico. | 18 | |
651044066 | Gentlemen's Agreement | Secret understanding in which Japan stopped the flow of laborers to the US | 19 | |
651044067 | George Washington Goethals | American engineer who organized the building of the Panama Canal | 20 | |
651044068 | George Dewey | U.S. naval commander who led the American attack on the Philippines | 21 | |
651044069 | Great Rapproachment | The reuniting of America and Britain after renegotiating the border of Venezuela. | 22 | |
651044070 | Great White Fleet | Navy force that circumnavigated the globe to show off US naval prowess | 23 | |
651044071 | Guantanamo | A naval station in Cuba granted to the US by the Platt amendment | 24 | |
651044072 | Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty | Treaty signed with the new Panamanian government that authorized the construction of the Panama canal., | 25 | |
651044074 | Hay-Pauncefote Treaty | Treaty permitted by Great Britian which nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and gave the U.S the right to build the Panama Canal. | 26 | |
651044076 | Henry Cabot Lodge | Massachusetts senator who called for expansion | 27 | |
651044078 | hostage | person given or held to ensure that an agreement or demand is kept or fulfilled | 28 | |
651044080 | imperialism | Policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically. | 29 | |
651044082 | indemnity | Payment for damage or loss | 30 | |
651044085 | insular cases | Cases in which the Supreme Court declared Constitution didn't extend to Philippines and Puerto Rico. | 31 | |
651044087 | James G. Blaine | Served as secretary of state in two administrations in the 1880's,also presided in the first Pan-American Conference in his early efforts to expand american influence in latin america. | 32 | |
651044088 | John Hay | Secretary of State under McKinley and Roosevelt who pioneered the open-door policy and construction of the Panama canal. | 33 | |
651044090 | John Philip Sousa | Bandmaster and composer of military marches | 34 | |
651044091 | Josiah Strong | U.S minister who claimed it was our divine mission to spread liberty and christianity to less civilized people in his book "Our Country" | 35 | |
651044092 | "near wars" | The U.S's close encounters between various contries in the imperialistic age. | 36 | |
651044093 | Open Door Notes | Mesage sent by John Hay to other countries to protect U.S. trading rights in China | 37 | |
651044094 | Pan-American Conference | Conference called by James Blaine which created an organization of cooperation between the US and Latin American countries | 38 | |
651044095 | partition | That which separates anything into distinct parts. | 39 | |
651044096 | Pearl Harbor | Naval base which made the Hawaiian Islands particularly important to the US | 40 | |
651044097 | "patting the eagles head" | Great Britians attitude towards the U.S in the Great Rapproachment. | 41 | |
651044098 | Phillippe Bunau-Varilla | Chief engineer of the french canal company and later prime minister of Panama. | 42 | |
651044099 | Phillippine Insurrection | Uprising of philipinos when U.S. broke its promise of Phillipine independance, this lasted a long time and casualties were tremdously high | 43 | |
651044100 | Platt Amendment | Legislation which Allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba and gave the United States control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay. | 44 | |
651044101 | Portsmouth Conference | The meeting between Japan, Russia, and the U.S. that ended the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. | 45 | |
651044102 | proviso | a condition in a contract or negotiation | 46 | |
651044103 | Queen Liliuokalani | Last Hawaiian monarch who opposed American annexation and was later forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests. | 47 | |
651044104 | reconcentration camps | Spanish refugee camps into which cuban farmers were herded to prevent them from providing assistance to rebels fighting for Cuban independance from Spain. | 48 | |
651044105 | Richard Olney | Secretary of state under Cleveland. who attacked Britain for it's attempt to get some of Venezuela's land, claiming it went against the Monroe Doctrine. | 49 | |
651044106 | Roosevelt Corollary | Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the United States had the right to protect it's economic interests in the Americas by using military force | 50 | |
651044107 | Root-Takahira Agreement | Agreement between US and Japan which officially recognizing the territorial sovereignty of each nation and upheld the Open Door Note in China. | 51 | |
651044108 | Rough Riders | Volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt in Cuba during the Spanish American War, who helped at San Juan Hill. | 52 | |
651044109 | Russo-Japanese War | A conflict that grew out of the rival imperialist ambitions of the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over Manchuria and Korea, beginning in 1904. | 53 | |
651044110 | San Francisco school crisis | Disagreement between America and Japan, when the people of San Francisco demanded Asian children attend a seperate school. | 54 | |
651044111 | scorched-earth policy | Practice of burning crops and killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy cannot live off the land | 55 | |
651044112 | sphere of influence | Foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities | 56 | |
651044113 | Teller Amendment | Legislation which promised that the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war. | 57 | |
651044114 | The Maine | An American battleship which exploded and sank in Havana Harbor and contributed to the beginning of the Spanish American War. "Remember the Maine" was a rallying cry | 58 | |
651044115 | Theodore Roosevelt | 26th president who was known for: conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, safe food regulations, "Square Deal," The Panama Canal, The Great White Fleet, and winning the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War | 59 | |
651044116 | "Butcher" Weyler | Nickname that the American press dubbed the Spanish general Valeriano Weyler in Cuba because of his brutal treatment of prisoners and his cruel policies | 60 | |
651044117 | William Howard Taft | 27th President of the United States and later chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1857-1930). | 61 | |
651044118 | William Randolph Hurst | Journalist who was a "Pioneer" in the kind of sensational reporting often called Yellow Journalism. He Helped whip up hostility toward Spain, which led to the Spanish American war. | 62 | |
651044119 | yellow press | Tabloid journalists and newspapers that reported sensationalist stories with a strong emotional component. | 63 |