Campbell Biology 9th Edition - Chapter 31 Flashcards
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896094788 | septa | the cells that make up hyphae are divided by these cross sections | 0 | |
896094789 | coenocytic fungi | a fungus that lacks septa and hence whose body is made up of a continuous cytoplasmic mass that may contain hundreds or thousands of nuclei | 1 | |
896094790 | hyphae | the branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of Multicellular fungi | 2 | |
896094791 | chitin | complex carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of fungi; also found in the external skeletons of arthropods | 3 | |
896094792 | mycelium | the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae | 4 | |
896094793 | haustoria | In parasitic fungi, a nutrient-absorbing hyphal tip that penetrates the tissues of the host but remains outside the host cell membranes. | 5 | |
896094794 | Ectomycorrhizal fungi | fungi that form sheaths of hyphae over the surface of a root and also grow into the extracellular spaces of the root cortex | 6 | |
896094795 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | Fungi whose hyphae enter the root cells of their host plants. | 7 | |
896094796 | mycorrhizae | symbiotic relationships between fungal hyphae and plant roots | 8 | |
896094797 | spores | single-celled reproductive bodies highly resistant to cold and heat damage; capable of new organisms | 9 | |
896094798 | karyogamy | Fusion of two haploid nuclei to form a diploid nucleus. Occurs in many fungi, and in animals and plants during fertilization of gametes | 10 | |
896094799 | molds | a type of fungus that consists of chains of cells and appears as a fuzzy mass of thin filaments in culture | 11 | |
896094800 | pheromones | odorless chemicals that serve as social signals to members of one's species | 12 | |
896094801 | plasmogamy | The fusion of the cytoplasm of cells from two individuals; occurs as one stage of syngamy. | 13 | |
896094802 | heterokaryon | A mycelium formed by the fusion of two hyphae that have genetically different nuclei. | 14 | |
896094803 | dikaryotic | having two haploid nuclei per cell, one from each parent, in a fungal mycelium | 15 | |
896094804 | opisthokonts | an extremely diverse group of eukaryotes that includes animals, fungi, and several groups of protists | 16 | |
896094805 | nucleariids | Group of uniucellular protists that contain amoebas that feed on alge and bacteria | 17 | |
896094806 | deuteromycetes | fungi that have no known sexual stage | 18 | |
896094807 | chytrids | aquatic and produce flagellated spores; they were the first fungi | 19 | |
896094808 | zoospores | have four flagella, germinate to form gametophytes, released when the waters of an incoming tide wet the thalli, swim away from the light | 20 | |
896094809 | zygomycetes | a fungal group that is not very pathogenic; complex life cycle consisted on sexual and asexual fungal groups...fungi spend most of their time as haploids; black bread mold; | 21 | |
896094810 | zygosporangium | thick-walled sexual structure that characterizes members of the phylum Zygomycota | 22 | |
896094811 | ascomycetes | large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungi | 23 | |
896094812 | asci | the sac in ascomycetes in which the sexual spores are formed. | 24 | |
896094813 | ascocarps | fruiting bodies of ascomycetes | 25 | |
896094814 | glomeromycetes | characterized by a distinct branching form of mycorrhizae called arbuscular mycorrhizae | 26 | |
896094815 | conidia | spores formed by fungi that are formed without the protection of a sac | 27 | |
896094816 | basidiomycetes | large class of higher fungi coextensive with subdivision Basidiomycota | 28 | |
896094817 | basidium | Club-shaped, reproductive structure in which club fungi produce spores | 29 | |
896094818 | basidiocarps | Fruiting bodies where the basidiomycetes produce sexually | 30 | |
896094819 | endophytes, | fungi that live inside leaves or other plant parts without causing harm | 31 | |
896094820 | soredia | small clusters of hyphae with embedded algae | 32 | |
896094821 | lichen | Symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism | 33 | |
896094822 | mycosis | any disease induced by fungus | 34 |