Fear of Communist Influence
US History [1]
McCarthyism [2]
Politics [4]
Communism [5]
Joseph McCarthy [7]
Anti-communism [9]
Hollywood blacklist [11]
Fear of Communist Influence Many Americans feel threatened by the rise of Communist governments in Europe and Asia These fears increase when its discovered that people are selling US government secrets to the Soviets Truman is accused of being ?soft? on communism Sets up a Loyalty Review Board Board investigates over 3 million people 1947 ? Congress creates House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) Primarily focused on Hollywood Hollywood Ten ? refused to testify and were sent to prison for not cooperating Rosenberg Case Stuns the Nation Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Two Americans who were members of the communist party Convicted of giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets 1949 ? Soviets successfully test an atomic bomb