New Imperial Age In Africa Between 1850-1914
World History [1]
New Imperialism [2]
Africa [3]
Modern history [4]
Colonialism [6]
imperialism [8]
Maji Maji Rebellion [10]
Scramble for Africa [11]
Indirect rule [12]
empire [13]
New Imperial Age between 1850-1914 in Africa Kelcie Plank World Cultures Unit 1: Lesson 6 New Imperial Age of Africa Occurred between 1850-1914 The new imperialism focused mainly on declining empires and local wars left many states vulnerable Many states were weakened by slave trade Nationalism produced strong, centrally governed nation-states Industrial Revolution made economy stronger European industrialized nations more forceful in expanding into other lands Causes of New Imperialism Economy: Need for natural resources Imperialist needed raw materials to supply their own factories Need for new markets Imperialist need foreign markets to sell their goods Place for growing populations to settle Place to invest growing profits