Introduction to Psychology, Gateways to Mind and Behavior - Chapter 14 Flashcards
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2050899641 | psychopathology | the scientific study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; also, abnormal or maladaptive behavior | 0 | |
2050904987 | statistical abnormality | abnormality defined on the basis of an extreme score on some dimension, such as IQ or anxiety | 1 | |
2050914579 | social nonconformity | failure to conform to societal norms or the usual minimum standards for the social conduct | 2 | |
2050922427 | maladaptive behavior | behavior that makes it difficult to adapt to the environment and meet the demands of day-to-day life | 3 | |
2050927775 | insanity | a legal term that refers to a mental inability to manage one's affairs or to be aware of the consequences of one's actions | 4 | |
2050931920 | mental disorders | a significant impairment in psychological functioning | 5 | |
2050936780 | psychotic disorder | a severe mental disorder characterized by a retreat from reality, by hallucinations and delusions, and by social withdrawal | 6 | |
2050947506 | organic mental disorder | a mental or emotional problem caused by brain disease or injuries | 7 | |
2050952336 | mood disorder | a major disturbance in mood or emotion, such a depression or mania | 8 | |
2050955241 | anxiety disorder | disruptive feelings of fear, apprehension, or anxiety, or distortions in behavior that are anxiety related | 9 | |
2050964200 | dissociative disorder | temporary amnesia, multiple personality, or depersonalization | 10 | |
2050971442 | somatoform disorder | physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury for which there is no identifiable physical cause | 11 | |
2050974822 | personality disorder | a maladaptive personality pattern | 12 | |
2051037124 | sexual and gender identity disorders | any of a wide range of difficulties with sexual identity, deviant sexual behavior, or sexual adjustment | 13 | |
2051044034 | substance-related disorder | abuse of or dependence on a mood or behavior-altering drug | 14 | |
2051066738 | neurosis | an outdated term once used to refer, as a group, to anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, and some forms of depression | 15 | |
2051075308 | psychosis | a withdrawal from reality marked by hallucinations and delusions, disturbed thought and emotions, and personality disorganization | 16 | |
2051079320 | delusion | a false belief held against all contrary evidence | 17 | |
2051083038 | hallucination | an imaginary sensation, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that don't exist in the real world | 18 | |
2051085770 | dementia | a serious mental impairment in old age caused by physical deterioration of the brain | 19 | |
2051090703 | Alzheimer's disease | an age-related disease characterized by memory loss, mental confusion, and, in its later stages, a nearly total loss of mental abilities | 20 | |
2051101000 | delusional disorder | a psychosis marked by severe delusions of grandeur, jealousy, persecution, or similar preoccupations | 21 | |
2051107215 | paranoid psychosis | a delusional disorder centered especially on delusions of persecution | 22 | |
2051110501 | Schizophrenia | a psychosis characterized by delusions, hallucinations, apathy, and a "split" between thought and emotion | 23 | |
2051117135 | disorganized Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia marked by incoherence, grossly disorganized behavior, bizarre thinking, and flat or grossly inappropriate emotions | 24 | |
2051195761 | catatonic Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia marked by stupor, rigidity, unresponsiveness, posturing, mutism, and, sometimes, agitated, purposeless behavior | 25 | |
2051204263 | paranoid Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia marked by a preoccupation with delusions or by frequent auditory hallucinations related to a single theme, especially grandeur or persecution | 26 | |
2051209892 | undifferentiated Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia is lacking the specific features of catatonic, disorganized, or paranoid types | 27 | |
2051240186 | psychological trauma | a psychological injury or shock, such as that caused by violence, abuse, neglect, separation, and so forth | 28 | |
2051245589 | stress-vulnerability model | attributes mental disorders, such as psychosis to a combination of environmental stress and inherited susceptibility | 29 | |
2051251220 | mood disorder | major disturbances in mood or emotion, such as depression or mania | 30 | |
2051253775 | depressive disorders | emotional disorders primarily involving sadness, despondency, and depression | 31 | |
2051256600 | bipolar disorders | emotional disorders involving both depression and mania or hypomania | 32 | |
2051259758 | dysthymic disorder | moderate depression that persists for two or more years | 33 | |
2051285541 | cyclothymic disorder | moderate manic and depressive behavior that persists for two or more years | 34 | |
2051287616 | major mood disorders | disorders marked by lasting extremes of mood or emotion and sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms | 35 | |
2051294988 | major depressive disorder | a mood disorder in which the person has suffered one of more intense episodes of depression | 36 | |
2051306767 | bipolar I disorder | a mood disorder in which a person has episodes of mania (excited, hyperactive, energetic, grandiose behavior) and also periods of deep depression | 37 | |
2051319733 | bipolar II disorder | a mood disorder in which a person is mostly depressed (sad, despondent, guilt ridden) but has also had one or more episodes of mild mania (hypomania) | 38 | |
2051338231 | endogenous depression | depression that appears to be produced from within (perhaps by chemical imbalances in the brain), rather than as a reaction to life events | 39 | |
2051346682 | postpartum depression | a mild to moderately serve depression that begins within three months following childbirth | 40 | |
2051358865 | seasonal affective disorder (SAD) | depressions that occurs only during fall and winter; presumably related to decreased exposure to sunlight | 41 | |
2051368063 | phototherapy | a treatment for seasonal affective disorder that involves exposure to bright, full-spectrum light | 42 | |
2051379700 | adjustment disorder | an emotional disturbance caused by ongoing stressors within the range of common experience | 43 | |
2051386202 | generalized anxiety disorder | a chronic state of tension and worries about work, relationships, ability, or impending disaster | 44 | |
2051407740 | panic disorder (without agoraphobia) | a chronic state of anxiety and also has brief moments of sudden, intense, unexpected panic | 45 | |
2051410797 | panic disorder (with agoraphobia) | a chronic state of anxiety and brief moments of sudden panic. The person fears that these panic attacks will occur in public places or unfamiliar situations | 46 | |
2051424008 | agoraphobia (without panic) | the fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if one leaves the house or enter unfamiliar situations | 47 | |
2051427168 | specific phobia | an intense, irrational fear of specific objects, activities, or situations | 48 | |
2051431956 | social phobia | an intense, irrational fear of being observed, evaluated, embarrassed, or humiliated by others in social siutations | 49 | |
2051509381 | obsessive-compulsive disorder | an extreme preoccupation with certain thoughts and compulsive performance of certain behaviors | 50 | |
2051533878 | stress disorder | a significant emotional disturbance caused by stresses outside the range of normal human experience | 51 | |
2051567147 | acute stress disorder | a psychological disturbance lasting up to one month following stresses that would produce anxiety in anyone who experienced them | 52 | |
2051572490 | post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) | a psychological disturbance lasting more than one month following stresses that would produce anxiety in anyone who experienced them | 53 | |
2051587870 | Munchausen syndrome by proxy | an affected person fakes the medical problems of someone in his or her care in order to gain attention | 54 | |
2051654055 | Munchausen syndrome | an affected person fakes his or her own medical problems in order to gain attention | 55 | |
2051662020 | dissociative amnesia | loss of memory (partial or complete) for important information related to personal identity | 56 | |
2051668971 | dissociative fugue | sudden travel away away from home, plus confusion about one's personal identity | 57 | |
2051684030 | dissociative identity disorder | the presence of two or more distinct personalities (multiple personality) | 58 | |
2051687219 | hypochonriasis | a preoccupation with fears of having a serious disease. Ordinary physical signs are interpreted as proof that the person has a disease, but no physical disorder can be found | 59 | |
2051694082 | somatization disorder | afflicted persons have numerous physical complaints. Typically, they have consulted many doctors, but no organic cause for their distress can be identified | 60 | |
2051697434 | pain disorder | pain that has no identifiable physical cause and appears to be of psychological origin | 61 | |
2051699243 | conversion disorder | a bodily symptom that mimics a physical disability but is actually caused by anxiety of emotional distress | 62 | |
2051928291 | anxiety reduction hypothesis | explains the self-defeating nature of avoidance responses as a result of the reinforcing effects of reform from anxiety | 63 | |
2051930359 | antisocial personality | a person who lacks a conscience; is emotionally shallow, impulsive, and selfish; and tends to manipulate others | 64 |