Alice Paul
US History [1]
Silent Sentinels [2]
American Quakers [5]
Alice Paul [6]
Lucy Burns [8]
Suffragette [9]
Women's suffrage [10]
Emmeline Pankhurst [11]
The Suffragist [13]
Alice Paul and Women Rights Essay - Vinay Adukalil - 23.04.2015 - Period 3 Alice Paul was a woman suffragist, woman rights activist and the main leader for the campaign for the 19th amendment which prohibited sex discrimination in the rights to vote. Alice Paul was born on January 11th 1885. She was born in Mooretown in New Jersey. She was a decedent of William Penn, the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania. Her mother was a woman suffragist even though her family views of women were that they were different than men. She used to go to her mother?s suffragist campaigns and meetings which helped her to fight for women rights in the future. She formed the National Woman?s Party with Lucy Burns. She suffered a lot to get these rights but at the end it played out well.