Unit 4
US History [1]
Prophets [2]
Shawnee people [3]
Tecumseh [5]
War [6]
James Monroe [7]
Muscogee [8]
Andrew Jackson [10]
American Revolution [11]
Tenskwatawa [12]
John Quincy Adams [13]
Studyguide: Unit 4 Trans-Appalachia: Cincinnati aka population growth -People moved to the Ohio River system for fertile land. - Due to an increasing population the area earned state hood Kentucky- 1792 Tennessee- 1796 Migration was a principal feature of American life, From 1790 to 1800 1/3 of the homes on the Atlantic coast had moved. Cincinnati was a good representation of then rapid growth seen during this time period; it?s pop. tripled from 1800-10. -This was also a key location, because goods could be sent downstream to N.O. -Atlantic Ports: From Charleston to Boston Atlantic Ports: centers of trade -merchants found it easier to cross atlantic than travel inward o Important Ports: Charleston Baltimore Philadelphia