Rawle Taxonomy
Biology [1]
This week in BIO153 Lecture 3: Taxonomy Lecture 4: Phylogeny I Tutorial 2: Numeracy assignment intro Readings: Ch 26 Lab 1: Microscopy 1 This week?s Bio seminar DV2082, 12:00 Altaf Arain, McMaster University Global warming implications for forest ecosystems in North America.? 2 Lecture 3: Taxonomy Web finds The power of names Characterize a functioning naming system Link names and classification 3 An emerging species? 4 Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) Rolshausen et al. 2009. Current Biology 19: 2097?2101 More human impact 5 http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2015/01/10/aussies-donate-marsupial-mittens-to-help-koalas-with-burned-paws/ It?s all in a name! 6 Humans have a knack for naming and ordering things