Turmoil between the Wars
European History [1]
Fascism [2]
Adolf Hitler [3]
Antisemitism [5]
Racism [6]
Joseph Stalin [7]
Nazism [8]
Führer [9]
Italian fascism [10]
Nazi Germany [11]
Joseph Goebbels [12]
Mein Kampf [13]
Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 31 May 2015 Chapter 15 Outline Turmoil Between Wars WW1 took 9m/destroyed Euro confidence Euros in interwar yrs. Wantedsocialism/commie, turned to extremisms on right Result in 20s was collapse of democracy; 30s, few democracies remained Brit, France, US, regimes were frayed by challenges Cause of democracy?s decline was econ., caused by WW1/Great Depression of 1929-33 Layin social conflict, exacerbated by war; electorate rallied to extremist parties that promised transformations of nations Nat?l?ism was source of discontent, Italy/Germany, nat?l?ism turned against gov?t?s