American Pageant Terms 3
US History [1]
Harry S. Truman [7]
Cold War [8]
Truman Doctrine [9]
Containment [10]
Korean War [11]
Progressive Party [12]
Thomas E. Dewey [13]
Quiz Guide#18 Alger Hiss: a prominent ex-New Dealer and a distinguished member of the "eastern establishment." accused of being a communist agent in the 1930s. He dramatically met his chief accuser before the Un-American Activities Committee in august but was convicted of perjury. Communist China: The turning point of the Cold War was when China turned "red" because it was the most populous country. Mao Zedong led communist revolution and he won against Jiang (Nationalist with no support). It changes the US policies; making presidents after Truman to vow not to lose any other country to communism.