APWH: The Earth and Its Peoples // Chapter 8 Flashcards
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2973136079 | Caliphate | religious government ruled by a Caliph | 0 | |
2973136080 | Caliph | pope/king of a Caliphate | 1 | |
2973136081 | Fihrist | catalog of Islamic Caliphates | 2 | |
2973136082 | Mecca | caravan city | 3 | |
2973136083 | Muhammad | an Arab prophet that founded Islam. he grew up as an orphan then had many daughters. known as the "Messenger of God" | 4 | |
2973136084 | Muslim | "submission" in Arabic. a person who submits to God. | 5 | |
2973136085 | Hijra | Muhammad and his follower's journey from Mecca to Medina to flee persecution. lead to the formation of the Umma | 6 | |
2973136086 | Umma | community made by Meccan immigrants and major groups in Medina that accepted Islam and Muhammad as the Messenger of God | 7 | |
2973136087 | The Quran | book of divine revelations of Muhammad made by the people | 8 | |
2973136088 | Shi'ites | Muslims that believed Ali (his cousin and son-in-law) should have ruled. is now the state religion of Iran and Iraq | 9 | |
2973136089 | Ummayad Caliphate | first hereditary dynasty of Muslim Caliphs. capital in Damascus | 10 | |
2973136090 | Sunnis | Muslims that supported the first 3 Caliphs | 11 | |
2973136091 | Karijite Sects | people who initially supported Ali but rebelled against him in the end | 12 | |
2973136092 | how did Islam spread? | through trade and conversion / force | 13 | |
2973136093 | how were the conquered lands controlled? | Umar set up military camps and left the people's land alone | 14 | |
2973136094 | Abbasid Caliphate | took over Ummayad Caliphate. reinterpreted the Quran. capital in Bagdhad | 15 | |
2973136095 | Mamluks | army of Turkish slaves that eventually defeated the Mongols and seized control of Egypt and Syria | 16 | |
2973136096 | The Shi'ite Buyids | controlled the Sunni Caliph. conquered Iran and Iraq | 17 | |
2973136097 | Ghana | sub-Saharan kingdom that benefitted from trade | 18 | |
2973136098 | Fatamid Caliphate | pretended to be Shi'ite Imams (prayer leaders) descended from Ali | 19 | |
2973136099 | Islamic Spain | ended in mixed cultures (Roman, German, Jewish, etc.) most adopted Islam. there were many technological advancements | 20 | |
2973136100 | why did Spain splinter? | they adopted Caliphate system but it didn't work out | 21 | |
2973136101 | Ulams | Muslim religious scholars | 22 | |
2973136102 | Crusaders | Christians that took Jerusalem and fought the Muslims by making friends with their enemies | 23 | |
2973136103 | Hadith | a tradition relating the words and deeds of Muhammad. was like the bible. people had a hard time discerning the truthful books from the made-up/twisted ones | 24 | |
2973136104 | Shari'a | books that became the foundation of Islamic civilization | 25 | |
2973136105 | what happened when Islam was increasing? | slowed down Christianity | 26 | |
2973136106 | was there a central religious authority? | no, which kept flexibility | 27 | |
2973136107 | what came with the growth of trade? | science discoveries | 28 | |
2973136108 | roles of women in Islamic culture? | rural women were more free and urban women were concealed. women overall had more rights than normal | 29 | |
2973136109 | Aisha | Muhammad's wife that was like Mary in the bible. Aisha's name was tarnished because she had power | 30 |