healy vocabs 2 emerson nature, self reliance Flashcards
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1688123569 | admonish | (v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty | 0 | |
1688123570 | inaccessible | not easily approached, entered, or obtained | 1 | |
1688123571 | kindred | (n.) a person's relatives; a family relationship; (adj.) related by blood; like, similar | 2 | |
1688123572 | manifold | In many ways, diverse | 3 | |
1688123573 | indubitably | unquestionably, without a doubt | 4 | |
1688123574 | integrate | To bring together and make whole | 5 | |
1688123575 | intercourse | mutual dealings with one another; communication between people, can be sexual intercourse | 6 | |
1688123576 | impertinent | Rude and disrespectful; unrelated or not pertinent to a particular matter | 7 | |
1688123577 | slough | (v.) to cast off, discard; to get rid of something objectionable or unnecessary; to plod through as if through mud; (n.) a state of difficulty or depression | 8 | |
1688123578 | perennial | (adj.) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n.) a plant that lives for many years | 9 | |
1688123579 | calamity | A serious event causing distress or misfortune | 10 | |
1688123580 | blithe | joyful, cheerful, or without appropriate thought | 11 | |
1688123581 | egotism | Excessive self-importance; conceit | 12 | |
1688123582 | ineffable | Incapable of being expressed in words | 13 | |
1688123583 | disparity | An inequality; a gap; an imbalance | 14 | |
1688123584 | labyrinth | A complicated network of winding passages; a maze | 15 | |
1688123585 | balk | To refuse stubbornly or abruptly; to stop short and refuse to go on | 16 | |
1690800491 | consanguinity | Blood relationship | 17 | |
1690800492 | hypothesis | A proposed answer to a question | 18 | |
1690800493 | apprise | (v.) to inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice | 19 | |
1690800494 | inviolable | (adj.) sacred; of such a character that it might not be broken, injured, or profaned, secure from violation | 20 | |
1690800495 | degenerate | v. to deteriorate or decline. adj. having lost normal/desirable qualities | 21 | |
1690800496 | empirical | based on observation or experiment rather than theory or hypothesis | 22 | |
1690800497 | savant | A person of extensive learning in a specialized field; an eminent scholar | 23 | |
1690800498 | sally | A trip, an excursion | 24 | |
1690800499 | infallibility | Immunity from error and any possibility of error. | 25 | |
1690800500 | indisputable | Not open to question; undeniable; irrefutable | 26 | |
1690800501 | affirmation | (n) positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath | 27 | |
1690800502 | converted | spiritually reborn or converted | 28 | |
1690800503 | tyrannize | rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner | 29 | |
1690800504 | strata | (n) A scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent or to gain an end | 30 | |
1690800505 | tranquil | Calm, peaceful | 31 | |
1690800506 | minute (adj) | infinitely or immeasurably small | 32 | |
1690800507 | remedial | Providing a remedy, curative; correcting a deficient skill | 33 | |
1690800508 | permeate | (v.) to spread through, penetrate, soak through | 34 | |
1690800509 | invariable | constant, unchanging | 35 | |
1690800510 | volatile | (adj.) highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to the gaseous state | 36 | |
1690844117 | eminent | (adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting | 37 | |
1690844118 | instill | (v.) to add gradually; to introduce or cause to be taken in | 38 | |
1690844119 | latent | Something that is not readily apparent, not yet developed, hidden or concealed | 39 | |
1690844120 | firmament | (n.) the sky, the heavens | 40 | |
1690844121 | bard | A poet, especially a lyric poet. | 41 | |
1690844122 | sage | A wise person | 42 | |
1690844123 | affecting | touching the feelings of, moving emotionally | 43 | |
1690844124 | spontaneous | (adj.) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance | 44 | |
1690844125 | impart | Having no bias or favor | 45 | |
1690844126 | transcendent | beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience | 46 | |
1690844127 | oracles | a response or message given by an oracle, typically one that is ambiguous or obscure; a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity | 47 | |
1690844128 | disconcerted | confused, upset, embarrassed | 48 | |
1690844129 | piquancy | (noun) the quality or state of having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor; the quality or state of being pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind | 49 | |
1690844130 | emphatic | forcibly expressive, performed with emphasis | 50 | |
1690844131 | disdain | Intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy. | 51 | |
1690844132 | cumber | Clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving | 52 | |
1690844133 | eclat | (n.) dazzling or conspicuous success or acclaim; great brilliance (of performance or achievement) | 53 | |
1690844134 | formidable | Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable | 54 | |
1690844135 | aversion | A strong feeling of dislike | 55 | |
1690844136 | suffrage | (n) the right to vote in political elections | 56 | |
1690844137 | importune | Beg persistently and urgently | 57 | |
1690844138 | ephemeral | lasting a short time | 58 | |
1690844139 | capitulate | (v.) to end resistance, give up, surrender | 59 | |
1690844140 | extenuation | the act of attempting to lessen the seriousness of by providing a partial justification or excuse | 60 | |
1690844141 | arduous | (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort | 61 | |
1690844142 | usurp | (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right | 62 | |
1690844143 | prudent | Careful; cautious; sensible | 63 | |
1690844144 | magnanimity | the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving | 64 | |
1690844145 | trifle (n) | A thing of little value or importance | 65 | |
1690844146 | metaphysics | An area of philosophy that deals with questions about the nature of ultimate reality. | 66 | |
1690844147 | hobgoblin | Something causing superstitious fear | 67 | |
1690844148 | contrite | deeply sorrowful or repentant for a wrong | 68 | |
1690844149 | symmetrical | Balanced, equal | 69 | |
1690844150 | pedigree | (n.) a list of ancestors, family tree, the history or origins of something | 70 | |
1690844151 | squalid | (adj.) filthy, wretched, debased from poverty or lack of care | 71 | |
1690844152 | interloper | (n.) one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder | 72 | |
1690844153 | obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please | 73 | |
1690844154 | mendicant | (n.) beggar; (adj.) depending on begging for a living | 74 | |
1690844155 | sycophantic | attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery | 75 | |
1690844156 | comely | (adj.) having a pleasing appearance | 76 | |
1690844157 | aboriginal | 1. Inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times; indigenous. | 77 |