World War 2 Notes
US History [1]
Messianism [3]
Spirituality [4]
religion [6]
Jesus [7]
Prayer [8]
Monotheism [9]
Gautama Buddha [10]
Hinduism [11]
Islam [12]
End time [13]
World History 2 Notes Pg. 627 #1-6 Meredith Robbins B5 9/8/14 7:38 PM Buddhism- According to the Buddha, how does one achieve happiness and fulfillment? Nirvana= by eliminating their attachment to worldly things. Has been a dominant religious, cultural, and social force throughout Asia ?Founder Siddhartha Gautama Who: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) When: lived 563- 483 BCE ?The Enlightend one? Where: Sri Lanka, Japan, Sameri, East Asia: ThaiLand, India, Southeast Asia Monks are expected to lead life of poverty, meditation study Buddhist believe in rebirth Buddha> monks/ nuns What: they believe Nirvana STUPA- Buddhist commermorative monumnet usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons. 8 fold path Nirvna is achieve by following the 8 fold path