ch 12 test
Human Geography [1]
Force [2]
Mechanics [3]
Rotation [4]
Centripetal [5]
Centrifugal [6]
Balkanization [7]
Heartland [8]
Zoning [9]
Nation state [10]
War [11]
Rwandan Genocide [12]
Unit 12 Big Test Study guide States Nations and Nation states Capital Cities, Forward capital Centripetal and centrifugal forces nationalism Separatist movements Balkanization Irrendentism Quebec separatist Heartland theory Shape of states Boundaries Relict or relic boundaries Consquent or ethnographic boundaries Resources disputes UN Convention of the Law of the Sea European Union Economic alliances supranationalism Imperialism and modern boundaries Shatterbelt theory Rwandan genocide Gerry mandering reapportionment Zoning ordinances Special purpose districts
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