Dreyfus Affair paper
English [1]
France [2]
Dreyfus affair [3]
Alfred Dreyfus [4]
Émile Zola [5]
Dreyfus [6]
Theodor Herzl [7]
Georges Picquart [9]
In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army was accused of high treason for selling military secrets to Germany. Despite his efforts to prove that he was innocent, he was sentenced to life imprisonment at Devil?s Island. He stayed there for years, even though there was evidence that another man was guilty. After a hundred years since he was accused, and two trials, the French army finally stated that Dreyfus was innocent. This trial is famously known as the Dreyfus affair. This event changed the world deeply, as it elevated Anti-Semitism, enraged Jews, and divided France into groups.