Ancient Greece/Ancient Rivalries
World History [1]
Alcmaeonidae [2]
Delian League [4]
Classical Greece [5]
Classical Athens [7]
Ionian Revolt [8]
Histories [9]
Peloponnesian War [10]
Pericles [11]
Cyrus the Great [12]
Achaemenid Empire [13]
Week 5: Ancient Greece/Ancient Rivalries The Birth of Ares Hera: queen of heaven Zeus: head of the gods; husband of Hera Athena: daughter of Zeus and Metis Goddess of war and wisdom Zeus feared that she would be stronger than himself So ripped her from mother?s womb Swallowed the fetus full Athena sprung from his head fully formed with helmet and spear Dionysus: son of Zeus Zeus put him into his own thigh after his mother (not Hera) died God of fertility and wine Hera was jealous and wanted to have a child for herself Took a herb which allowed her to have a child immaculately Child was Ares, god of war Hera decided she didn?t really like Ares He was whiny and hateful, and Zeus just ignored him Two giants (the Aloadai) abducted Ares in his infancy and trapped him in a bronze jar