The Roman Republic
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Ancient Rome [2]
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Roman Republic [4]
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Week 6: The Roman Republic #romeishome Rome, Historical Consciousness, and History?s Importance Ovid?s poem (quote 1 on handout) Written around 9A.D. as epilogue to his poem, ?Metamorphosis? Augustus Caesar had been emperor of the Roman Empire for >20 years Era of the Pax Romana Greeks were the fathers of history But failed to see history in terms of a future Historical awareness of Greeks was geared towards the present Had no past rather than the Greek past Romans had a distinct past from which to gain insight into their present and future That past was the Greek past and history Embraced history (past, present, and future) Ovid?s epilogue speaks to this historical awareness Rome triumphed because of who the they thought they were Maintained positive image of themselves