The Middle Ages
World History [1]
Feudalism [2]
Vassal [3]
Serfdom [5]
Fief [6]
Lord [8]
Manorialism [9]
Benefice [10]
Peasant [11]
Estates of the realm [12]
Fealty [13]
Week 12: The Middle Ages Feudalism and the Feudal Relationship Europe after Charlemagne?s death: Carolingian Empire faced monumental problems Frankish Kingdom was constantly divided into smaller states No one was satisfied with the results Strong kings dreamed of reuniting Franks Only men of power who made any gain were the great landowners Landowners provided army for the Carolingians Placed one ruler against another in game of mutiny and desertion 9th century: age of confusion Made worse by invasions by Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims Great landowners raised own armies and built castles Resistance also increased authority Made them less dependent on central government 10th century: end of invasions and start of slow recovery