World Clues 4
English [1]
Word Clues Lesson 4 Root Meaning Exercise Words Path feeling; disease 1. Apathy 9. Hemicycle Batho, bathy depth 2. Antipathy 10. Logorrhea Therap cure 3. Pathology 11. Static Haem, hem, -aem, -em blood 4. Bathometer 12. Energy Rhea, rheo, rrh, rhag flow; gush; burst 5. Heliotherapy 13. Prognosticate Stat, stas stand; stop 6. Hematology 14. Hemophile Erg, urg work 7. Anemia 15. Agnostic Gno, gnos know 8. Hemorrhage Prefix Meaning Hemi- half Apathy (noun): absence of interest, emotion, or excitement Antipathy (noun): a natural dislike of something Pathology (noun): the study of the origin and nature of diseases Bathometer (noun): a device for determining the depth of water